John Graff
1 min readFeb 1, 2016

Why is AIDS Healthcare Foundation Fighting Real Estate Development in Hollywood?

Regardless of your position on development in Los Angeles/Hollywood (or even if you couldn’t care any less), I think the below facts present a very serious issue for the men & women living with HIV/AIDS and their friends, families and allies.

At least 5 billboards emblazoned with the web address, “” have cropped up around Hollywood over the past few weeks. But no clues appear on the billboards about who is supporting this cause. PHOTO

Turns out, Hollywood based non-profit organization, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, is the sole backer of the billboards, according to this press release from the group: PROOF

So why would an organization committed to fighting HIV/AIDS be spending precious resources fighting development and housing in Los Angeles? Especially when housing is in such demand (current L.A. rental vacancy rate is 2.7%, among lowest in nation). It certainly seems far removed from a group that is supposed to be fighting HIV/AIDS.

Perhaps it is because the AIDS Healthcare Foundation offices on the 21st floor (of the 22 floor building) at 6255 Sunset Blvd could stand to lose their precious views if the proposed Palladium development moves forward. PHOTO

I think many donors to AIDS Healthcare Foundation would not be happy to know that their hard earned and proudly donated money is being spent to fight new housing for some of the very people the AIDS Healthcare Foundation claims to support.

A phone call and voicemail requesting comment from AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Communications Director was not returned.

John Graff

John Graff is a Real Estate Consultant in Los Angeles, CA. Graff is a Navy veteran and a former progressive political staffer & public policy director.