STEMchain Advisor Update: Dr. Philip R. Johnson

John D
2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Today we’re excited to announce that Dr. Philip Johnson has officially joined STEMchain as an advisor. Dr. Johnson is a Chief Scientific Officer with over 30+ years of experience in science and medicine. He has also ran a large research enterprise ($350M) and understands the operational side of science and research.

Dr. Johnson received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, followed by a pediatric residency and an infectious diseases fellowship at Vanderbilt University. After fellowship training, he worked at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD and Columbus (Ohio) Children’s Hospital for 20 years before assuming the role of Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in 2005. In his role as Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Johnson oversaw the research enterprise at Children’s Hospital that supported over 2000 faulty and staff engaged in a wide array of basic, clinical, and translational research activities. Dr. Johnson has received several national honors including election to the American Pediatric Society and being named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology. Hear what Dr. Johnson had to say about joining our team below.

Dr. Philip R. Johnson

“My entire professional career has been devoted to improving the health of children through biomedical research. I have seen firsthand how scientific advances can directly save the lives of literally millions of children. Over the past 20 years, philanthropy has increasingly become an essential component of the funding stream that supports research and education in all areas of science. The STEMchain initiative will revolutionize the giving process by making it highly efficient and transparent, while partner organizations will reap the benefits of an extra revenue stream. I am truly excited to be part of this pioneering effort that will undoubtedly create enormous value in the years to come.”

Welcome on board, Dr. Johnson!

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