We Must Have Quiet Here

John Wilson
2 min readApr 6, 2024


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/elderly-gentleman-making-silence-gesture-in-studio-3831631/

I must say, I do not get

Why do you all throw such a fit

Every time you leave the room,

It sounds just like a sonic boom!

Every time you hear a bell

You run from here and unleash hell

And the worst part at all

You bring that noise in from the hall.

I don’t say this to be crass

But many of you act just like an ass

The way you all yell and rage

You’d think you were monkeys from a cage.

I’d like to start to teach

If you could just control your speech

You are yammering away the whole class

Look! Ten minutes have already passed!

We really must have quiet here!

My breaking point is very near.

You think that I was tough before

Just wait until I close this door!

Calling your parents doesn’t work.

Nor does the threat of endless homework,

And detention doesn’t seem to worry you.

So, there is only one thing left for me to do.

I will simply fail the entire lot.

And you’ll have to repeat this class, like it or not.

Jocks and cheer, no sports for you.

And attendance in clubs for the rest is through.

So, unless you decide to listen and learn,

I’ll fail each of you and watch your GPAs burn.

The choice is yours. What’s it going to be?

Act foolish and repeat or listen to me?



John Wilson

Freelance Writer for Hire, Writer of Pneumatic Cases and Blue, Owner of Dragonwerx Studio, Monkeywerx Comics & Clockwerx Monkey Toys, Comics Guy, Curmudgeon