Waltonchain Partners with Loci

John Wise
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

This wise African proverb sings loud at the halls of Loci as developing strong partnerships is a core company value. Real partnerships are founded on mutual values and building on each other’s strengths to achieve common goals.

This is why I am so thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Waltonchain. Waltonchain is a company that is transforming IoT by merging the applications of RFID and blockchain technology to create a business ecosystem and unlock the Value Internet of Things. Waltonchain and Loci shares the common goal of helping unlock innovation worldwide for the betterment of human society.

The following is a high level outline of our partnership:

IP Acquisition

One of the key components of the relationship is Waltonchain being a purchasing partner of intellectual property (IP) staked on our InnVenn platform. As the InnVenn platform is already built and architected to connect inventors and their ideas to IP acquirers, having a strategic purchasing partnership with a company like Waltonchain is crucial in developing a robust multi-sided ecosystem. This partnership brings us another step closer in drastically reducing the threshold in turning great ideas into reality. Waltonchain is strategically located in Shenzhen, China — the hardware capital of the world. Loci will work closely with Waltonchain to identify and understand their IP needs which can be broadcasted to our inventor community.

Waltonchain Incubator

Waltonchain is committed to helping innovative startups that can add great value in the business ecosystem it is developing. One of the ways Waltonchain will do this on a global scale is by establishing premier incubators. Incubators like Y Combinator provide shared office space and support in many areas including financing and strategic management to help startups scale. Waltonchain has selected Loci to locate and help secure a strategic US based incubator. Loci may even share office space in this incubator and co-invest in these innovative startups. Waltonchain and all of its subsidiaries will have enterprise level support to the InnVenn platform.

Research Alliance

Our companies will cooperate to cross-promote to universities and research centers. With InnVenn’s IP research abilities and Waltonchain’s product development know-how, together we deliver a strong offering to these types of organizations. Imagine universities with billion-dollar IP portfolios using InnVenn for IP research and management and Waltonchain purchasing these portfolios to bring these new technologies to the market.

We are so excited to collaborate with Dr. Mo, Waltonchain CEO, and his team. How fitting that we partner with a company whose name is an honorable nod to the RFID inventor’s name, Charles Walton. Working hand in hand we can help inventors worldwide and further innovation on a global scale.

Thinking better. Together.



John Wise

John Wise is CEO & Chairman of the Board of Loci, a company that has created a platform for IP discovery and a marketplace for ideas using blockchain tech.