Tools of Titans - Tool Guide (My latest side project) has launched on Product Hunt!

John Egan
3 min readFeb 1, 2017


If you know me, you would know that I’m a big fan of Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tim Ferriss and everything he does. His first book The 4-Hour Workweek was the first book I fully read, cover-to-cover, since the Harry Potter days. Since then, it kicked off me to have collected and read over 50+ books so far and have an Amazon wishlist of 300+ books. His #1 podcast is my favorite thing to listen to. I look forward to listening to every episode he produces. His wisdom has rewired my brain. My life is measurably better because of what I’ve learned from him! I even like to consider myself a Tim Ferriss prodigy because I preach his lessons to everyone I know.

He’s a true idol of mine and his latest book Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers is his best work yet. Since it came out in early December of 2016, it has been my holy grail.

There are an amazing amount of gems in here, resources, lifehacks, and wealthy advice, I have been preaching about this book to everyone, and I have not been the only one because it is a #1 New York Times Best Seller and #1 on Amazon with amazing reviews.

After weeks of reading and dissecting this tremendous book, highlighting, implementing many of the tips throughout, I finally got to digitizing all my notes, collected all the (1000+) resources mentioned throughout, and created a beautiful website to go with it to create the Tools of Titans — Tool Guide. (Product Hunt Link)

In this go-to tool guide are ALL of the Titan’s recommended/mentioned books, products, supplements, apps, films, podcasts, etc., and the links where to find them. Along with a page to follow all of your favorite Titans (Tim’s guests) and their social media links. Hope you enjoy this ultimate tool guide. It is the perfect reference guide to have while you read this tremendous book!

I have been working on this side project for the last two months now, and I am so excited to have it launched to Product Hunt and to the public!

TOOLS OF TITANS — The Tool Guide via Product Hunt

I would love for you to come check it out and it would be so much appreciated for your support! Come visit the Product Hunt post page to engage with the rest of the community about this and share it with others!

Enjoy the book, enjoy this guide, and I’ll love to hear any feedback on how to improve this guide even further so you can make the most out of reading Tools of Titans!

To quote the last few sentences of this book…

It is my hope that when you read and reread this book, you will feel the spirit of these titans with you. No matter the hardship, challenge, or grand ambition before you, they are here. You are not alone, and you are better than you think. As Jocko would say: Get after it.

Follow me along on Twitter at @John_M_Egan!

