Johnathan BennettThe Marriage Between Worship and MusicWorship can be an amazing experience.Jul 18, 2016Jul 18, 2016
Johnathan BennettThe One Thing Stopping Me From Doing What l LoveI have a deep love and passion for music. The feelings it paves, the emotion hits me like a wave, and ultimately it changes the way I…Jun 2, 2016Jun 2, 2016
Johnathan BennettBowling Through TimeI want the next chapter in life to begin, but i’m in a pickle not knowing what to do about it.May 25, 2016May 25, 2016
Johnathan BennettThat Little Sweet SpotEverybody has some form of art that they are good at. Notice I didn’t say perfect because everyone also has their own flaws, and issues…Apr 6, 2016Apr 6, 2016
Johnathan BennettLife Based on PorcupinesWhen I was little my family and I went to church one Sunday just like any other Sunday. Something was different about this day, we were…Apr 3, 2016Apr 3, 2016
Johnathan BennettThe Day I Saw a Squirrel Fall Into a TrashcanI was walking back to my dorm room one lovely afternoon and noticed a squirrel walking across the the recycle bin (which was next to the…Apr 3, 2016Apr 3, 2016
Johnathan BennettFighting the Monster of DoubtDo you ever have those moments where you just want to ditch everything that you do and destroy it all. The doubt creeps in.Apr 3, 2016Apr 3, 2016
Johnathan BennettWhy Does Music Make us Feel?I love music. I love it so much I don’t know where my life would be without it. My love for music started back when I was in sixth grade…Mar 31, 2016Mar 31, 2016