API Penetration Testing : Things To Be Noted

Johne Jacob
4 min readFeb 6, 2020
API Security Testing

1. Understand our attack surface

Before starting with test, pen testers should have an better understanding of users, roles, resources & responses of each APIs to find cool vulnerabilities.

2. Identify more attack surface

Find more attack surface by finding the sub domains or siblings of API with different versions. Online tools like Censys.ion or Virustotal.com will be helpful. Also you can find different version of APIs manually by changing the version ID. Trying changing the version from v2 to v1. Keep an eye on the behavior of the API with different versions. Older version will be more vulnerable.

You can also expand the attack surface by making use of archive.com, to find old versions of the web-app and explore new API endpoints. Another option is to scan the .js files for find new URLs endpoints.

3. Test for different authentication methods

Most modern API are using different authentication methods for mobile and web API. Test both APIs differently and try to bypass the authentication method.

Example : /api/v3/login and /api/app/login

4. Always test IDOR

If you have an API to test, always test for IDOR. Object level authorization checks should be considered in every functions that accesses a data source using user input.

5. Test for SSRF

Test for SSRF vulnerability when API request is sending URL parameters.

6. Find GET endpoint for POST and PUT requests

During testing if you come across post or put request, try for its GET request. if success based on response try for crafted parameters to POST and PUT requests to find vulnerabilities or parameter bypass.

7. Test for XML attacks

When testing REST API try changing the content type to “application/xml” , add XML request body and see how request respond. If its throwing XML based error you can try for XML Entity Attacks.

8. Test IDs in bodies and headers

Don’t forgot to test IDs in the HTTP bodies and headers. These are more vulnerable than IDs in URL.

9. Test for broken function level authorization attacks

Try changing Delete request to Create request or Post request to Delete request

10. Bypass security functions

Try change password without entering old password or Updated the user details without entering the password. Can also try for CSRF attacks.

11. DoS

APIs do not impose any restrictions on the size resources that can be requested by the client/user. Try to send a long value this might impact the API server performance, leading to Denial of Service (DoS).

12. API security misconfiguration

Test for misconfigured HTTP headers, unnecessary HTTP methods, permissive Cross-Origin resource sharing (CORS), and verbose error messages containing sensitive information.

13. Test for injection attacks

Test for SQL, NoSQL and command injections. It can trick the interpreter to execute unintended commands without proper authorization.

14. Don’t forgot to validate the response

Some of the endpoints might leak excessive data that should not be accessible by the user. Always be curious about the API responses.

15. Brute force

Using brute force technique try to bypass AuthZ, AuthN, rate limiting & input validation.

16. Always test web and mobile API’s separately. It will give different results

17. Test for new vulnerability



Johne Jacob

Security Engineer | Bug Hunter | Mobile & Web Automation Tester | Security Researcher | Splunk Certified User | RPA Certified Developer