Christianity and Sex: Introduction

John Henry
3 min readJun 11, 2024
Photo by iggii on Unsplash

I am sure that many people are aware, particularly those who have been brought up in either a mainstream Christian household or even society, that the ideas of mainstream Christianity concerning sexuality can cause quite a few hangups with people. One might feel that the teachings and ideas are quite strict and some people, particularly if they consider themselves believers, they suffer from cognitive dissonance when it comes to their faith and their… sexual desires.

Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other.

So obviously, people may have conflict within themselves when it comes to these two things, perhaps to a point where it may cause extreme guilt or discomfort, if one is in sexual practices or even have sexual thoughts that they feel will be wrong concerning their spiritual understanding.

Photo by Jannes Jacobs on Unsplash

Question is, are all of the ideas that mainstream Christianity preaches concerning sexuality correct. One might be surprised that what they think is an open and shut case concerning sexuality and different things may not even be the way that they have been trained to think.



John Henry

I’m just a man simply sharing my ideas based on my perception and understanding of life. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.