Exploring the Rise in Women Seeking Male Escorts

John Henry
4 min readDec 16, 2023

In modern times, societal shifts have led to changes in the dating landscape (some rather unfortunate, in my humble opinion), but one noticeable trend might be the increasing number of women considering the services of male escorts. One thing that got me considering this is that while doing research for some of my other articles, I became aware of a movie titled, “Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”, the description of the movie being as follows:

Retired widow Nancy Stokes hires a good-looking young sex worker called Leo Grande, in the hope of enjoying a night of pleasure and self-discovery after an unfulfilling married life.

You can see a lil clip about the movie by looking here 👇🏾:

In considering such a phenomenon, I think that several factors contribute to it, reflecting the modern dynamics in relationships, societal expectations, and women’s pursuit of personal freak fulfillment.

Men Approaching Women A Lot Less:



John Henry

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