The stigma of sex worker clientele (the johns)

John Henry
6 min readDec 11, 2023

You know, some things seem to be hard to break away from, whether it be mentally or as a society. For example, if certain things have been drummed into your head since childhood, even as an adult it may be very difficult, if not impossible, to totally break free from that programming and that way of thinking. I think that such has happened in varying degrees to our modern day culture and society.

I say this because, as sexually liberated and sex positive as modern day society is supposed to be, there still seems to be a lot of shame and a lot of stigma when it comes to things that, logically speaking, shouldn’t be shamed or considered a stigma in a so-called sex positive and sexually liberated society.


Some of this may be due to the Puritan culture of the past where little things like slavery, robbery, murder, etc. weren’t a big deal, but expressive sexuality, well… they needed to keep that on the down low. We even see evidence of this mentality today! Kids can watch Hollywood movies with people getting their brains blown out all willy nilly, but show a woman’s nipple and all of a sudden it’s all “Oh my! Turn your head, little Johnny!” Lmao!



John Henry

I’m just a man simply sharing my ideas based on my perception and understanding of life. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.