Forward Progressive Message

Johnny Akzam
5 min readNov 16, 2016


I saw this being shared on social media. Keith Ellison Big Bucks. It’s worth noting what they are doing and how we contract with that.

Of course the piece paints him as a champion for the people, and he may very well be. But this is further proof that big bucks are driving these campaigns. So the question is, why is just this ONE campaign pulling in all this cash. If a People movement is what the Green Party professes, then we should help get people moving. LOL

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I have set my mind to running for my Rep seat in 2018. I am confident in a win, only because I’m going to do what local politicians are supposed to do and start walking my district and getting to know people. That doesn’t cost me anything but time. And when I introduce myself, if they like what I have to say, I will direct them to my website, where I intend to keep everyone abreast of the issues in the state and our district. Of course it could backfire and everyone could think I’m a wackadoodle. But I’ll take my chances.

I believe that is grassroots campaigning, right? I’ve never done it, but I think that’s what it means. My plan is to start getting people engaged by using good old fashioned picnic BBQs and other community engagement opportunities. And then, as the time approaches for pre-official campaigning, I will have at least a working knowledge of people that are engaged with me on the website (where there will always be a donate option), and can begin to petition that group for support.

I plan to use my own idea for Come Join Us as the basis for managing the volunteer and fundraising efforts.

Contribute — to the cause anyway you can
Observe — your local politicians
March — when and where appropriate
Educate — the People on the Process in their area
Join — your local groups
Inform— the People of the TRUTH
Obey — laws to ensure our message isn’t lost
Never— display hate or violence
Unite— together
Stay — strong no matter the opposition

That will be the driving force of my campaign. My feeling is that those that I fire up will chip in and volunteer and some people may give a few dollars. But I won’t need a lot of money, if a handful of people are moved enough by my policy stances and hopefully my character, then the seeds get planted.

That is MY plan for my campaign. But it has gotten me to thinking a lot about the party. I know I haven’t been a member of the green party, so some may feel my perspective is not in keeping with the fundamental principles of the party. However, I like to apply everything in life as an asset. So I believe my perspective from the basically ‘independent supporter of the fundamental principles of the party’, while being skeptical of really all organizations. That goes for religion and big business, as well.

Therefore, I have been doing a great deal of thinking on the larger picture of the Green Party US, and how as a party it has struggled so much. And then I think, rather than reflect on the decimation by the media over the 2000 election (and trying to on this election), we do what we are supposed to do as Progressives: we analyze the current situation and evaluate if there are other options that can be used to attain our overall goal, which is ultimately sharing the progressive message with people, so they know it even exists.

And therefore, sometimes we have to look at why things aren’t working, INTERNALLY, and place ourselves in control of our own Party destiny. We can’t rely on the media. We can’t and don’t rely on big money donors. And we don’t HIRE celebrities to pander to demographics, in order to gain false support. Regardless, whatever the party structure is doing isn’t working.

[PERSONAL ASIDE]: I have people that pay me for my opinions on how to help them increase their relationships with their customers and get their messages out. I share what expertise I have, in accord with all the successful plans I have followed and programs that have worked. I apply specific details to each business’ online and offline business profile…the way they are viewed by others…customers and other businesses included. There are times, when I get a client that prefers to argue with me about how to go about doing something that I have done hundreds of times, but something he or she just read about once or a friend told them about. I’m patient, and I generally work through it as long as I can. However, in more than one case, I have fired my clients for not following directions. What? You can do that? Yes. If I know that they are doing things that are against everything known to be best, then I can’t work with that sort of regressive mind. Actually, one of such clients shared a meme with me on FB that stated:

ASKHOLE: a person that continually asks you for advice and then does exactly the opposite of your recommendation.

It is vitally important that the Green Party take a serious look at how it is “marketing” itself. Now I’m going to follow through with my plan above. The green party can wait until November 2018 to see if a radically different approach may work, or we can do something now, together, as a state and a national party to take advantage of this tempestuous election outcome, where the Democrats are falling apart at the seams, while the GOP is uniting behind Trump. [END ASIDE]

WE need impassioned and motivated members, that are willing to contribute in any way they can or wish to. We teach people how to start the dialog. We keep the dialog on the FORWARD moving path of our Progressive message.

A common message that delivers the meaning behind being a Progressive. Not a lefty. Not a “radical Liberal”. But we have to come out strong with a new branding on the term Progressive, defining it as neither Right nor Left but FORWARD…always #Forward thinking. That forward path includes everyone fairly. Even businesses. WE aren’t anti-business. We are just Pro-RESPONSIBLE-business.

It only takes a couple seeds to be planted in each relative community to grow a forest. And every sprout becomes a vessel for change.

As with any ecosystem, there is reason and cause and purpose for everything. There is natural order. And there is natural progress.

