Mastering Smart Contract Auditing Contests with Small Codebases

Johnny Time
4 min readJun 6, 2023


Small Auditing Contest

If you’ve recently completed the smart contract hacking course and are eager to put your skills to the test, this article will provide valuable insights on how to start strong and excel in auditing contests.

We’ll guide you through the benefits of beginning with smaller codebases, the significance of gaining confidence, and the importance of understanding the audit scope.

You can also watch/listen to this video which covers the same content in this article:

How to Start with Smart Contract Auditing Contest

Let’s dive in!

The Benefits of Starting with Smaller Codebases

When starting your journey in auditing contests, it’s better to begin with smaller codebases. These projects offer numerous benefits that contribute to your growth and learning experience.

Particle Protocol — Small Auditing Contest

Here are some advantages

  1. Easier Navigation: Smaller codebases are more manageable to navigate and understand. They often have fewer contracts and models, making it easier for you to get acquainted with the codebase and identify potential vulnerabilities.
    Imagine auditing a smart contract with only a handful of functions compared to a complex ecosystem with multiple interrelated contracts. Starting with smaller codebases allows you to focus on specific areas and gain confidence in your auditing abilities.
  2. Gradual Learning Curve: Auditing contests with smaller codebases allow you to gradually ease into the contest environment. You can build your knowledge and skills step by step, minimizing the overwhelm that comes with complex codebases.
    Participating in a smaller codebase contest may involve auditing a token contract with basic functionalities or an NFT minting project. This approach provides a solid foundation for understanding token contracts before moving on to more intricate projects.

Building Confidence and Skills

Confidence plays a vital role in successfully participating in auditing contests. When starting with smaller codebases, you have the opportunity to cultivate confidence and develop essential auditing skills.

Here’s how:

  1. Incremental Progress: By starting with smaller codebases, you can gradually tackle more complex projects. As you gain experience and expertise, your confidence grows, enabling you to take on more challenging audits in the future.
    Beginning with auditing contests that involve basic ERC-20 token contracts helps you understand token standards, transfer mechanisms, and potential security risks. This knowledge becomes the foundation for auditing more advanced decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.
  2. Comprehensive Understanding: Working on smaller codebases allows you to thoroughly understand the intricacies of the project. You can analyze the logic flow, identify potential vulnerabilities, and gain a deep understanding of the project’s architecture.
    Auditing a small lending protocol provides insights into how interest calculations, collateralization, and liquidation mechanisms work. Understanding these aspects equips you with the necessary knowledge to evaluate more complex lending protocols effectively.
  3. Take a practical course: Practical experience is crucial in becoming a good smart contract auditor. Completing a comprehensive course in smart contract hacking and auditing equips you with invaluable skills and positions you for auditing opportunities. Consider following a structured approach to learning that encompasses vulnerability exploits, proof-of-concepts, and secure coding practices.
    Get a limited-time discount using this link:
Smart Contract Hacking Course Syllabus

Understanding the Audit Scope

Understanding the audit scope is a must to effective auditing. It ensures that your efforts are focused on vulnerabilities that are eligible for payment and prevents wastage of valuable time.

Stader Labs Code4Rena Audit Scope

Here’s why it’s crucial:

  1. Guided Efforts: The audit scope provides guidelines on what aspects of the project you should focus on during the audit. It helps you avoid spending time on areas that may not be within the scope of the contest, increasing the efficiency of your auditing process.
  2. Eligible Vulnerabilities: Understanding the audit scope ensures that you concentrate on identifying vulnerabilities that qualify for payment. It helps you align your findings with the expectations of the contest organizers, increasing the chances of being rewarded for your work.

Graduating to Complex Challenges

As you gain confidence and skills through auditing contests with smaller codebases, you’ll be ready to take on more complex challenges. This section highlights the progression from smaller codebases to higher-reward contests and provides insights on how to prepare for these advanced auditing tasks.

Starting with smaller codebases acts as a stepping stone for tackling more complex projects. It allows you to build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that can be applied to auditing advanced protocols and ecosystems.

Once you feel comfortable with auditing token contracts, you can progress to auditing decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, or yield farming platforms. The knowledge gained from smaller codebases provides a valuable framework for these more intricate audits.

Research and Preparation

To tackle complex challenges, thorough research and preparation are essential. Familiarize yourself with the underlying protocols, their functionalities, and common security vulnerabilities in the respective domains. Before auditing a complex DeFi protocol, research and understand the specific functionalities involved, such as automated market makers, flash loans, or complex governance mechanisms. This preparation equips you with the necessary background knowledge to identify potential vulnerabilities effectively.


Starting with smaller codebases in auditing contests sets the foundation for your success. By gradually easing into the contest environment, building confidence, and understanding the audit scope, you enhance your skills and pave the way for future accomplishments. Remember, it’s not just about the rewards; it’s about the growth, learning, and satisfaction that come with being a smart contract auditor.

