John shayo
8 min readApr 15, 2022


The Truth Is You Are Not The Only Person worried About starting something new!

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Let’s face it, all good writers started somewhere. They started with a single letter, a single word, and a single sentence, and then “boom” they wrote pages and pages-which became amazing stories and even bestseller books. I have always wanted to be a good writer, in this article “The untold secret to the 6 reasons I am starting to write” I will clearly share my personal experience as to why I am starting to write.

To achieve ambitious goals, one needs to show up every single day for a long period. Muscles don’t build up by lifting heavy weights once, houses aren’t built within a day and there is no such thing as overnight success. All these successful people did not get to where they were because they performed at their peak when everyone was watching them or because they got lucky. They got there because they disciplined themselves to show up every single day. We have to develop habits that will push our productivity and creativity and overall adapt our lives to an effective schedule that lets us reach our ambitious goals. You have to put in years of focused work to build up to a point where you have the chance of succeeding and in the end, it comes up to the willingness to take that one bold step and start something.

One of my teachers once told me,’’ If you want to be a good fisherman, you have to learn not only from every fisherman but also from a successful fisherman, just as in other places. If you want to be a good businessman then most of your friends have to be business people and not every businessman, but successful in the kind of business you want to do”. He further explained that these great people did not reach where they are now simply overnight or by waiting for miracles to happen. They all had to put their pride aside and start something.

Photo by Xrdes on Unsplash

I know this is not the best piece of writing I am putting out there but still, it’s the first of the great ones yet to come. I have struggled with writing my school essays. In the past, I had many days where I sat in front of my computer and stared at that blinking cursor. I wanted to write a new essay outline and just didn’t manage to write down a single word. After a few more minutes of staring at my screen and hoping the cursor would write the essay itself- I started coming up with all sorts of excuses. I am not feeling inspired today, maybe I am just too tired, it’s not even close to the deadline, tomorrow I can still get it done. I usually decide to drop it for the day and looked for another activity that wouldn’t take me any effort. I would find myself scrolling through my phone, watching another series on Netflix, or napping on the side of my small college resident bed, and guess what I waited for the deadlines.

Looking forward, I wish for my life to become an inspiration to someone else. I want someone to look at all the small wins I achieved, all the mistakes I habitually made-how I overcame, and eventually the great & small impact I brought to a few people around me so that they may be inspired to start something. It is never too late to start something new and with the right dedication and a clear purpose, everything is possible. Below are my reasons why I am starting to write;

  1. I believe I have a story inside me to tell people.

Over the years of my existence, I have met different people of different cultural backgrounds, different ages, and different experiences. These people have shaped me in different ways including how I approach things in life, and through such experiences, I have come up with a personal story that I think if I don’t document each day then it will surely fade away completely. I am the star of my own story and no one can write it better than I. I want to inspire people through my life experiences and create an urge for people to start following their dreams and a journey of creating personal legacies that live forever; writing will help me reach there so I need to be good at it.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

2. I want to organize my thoughts well.

One in every person I meet has in one way or another met people giving speeches, watched movies that were scripted nicely, read inspiring books which changed their lives, or even listened to great stories from great storytellers. One thing common about all these people is their ability to organize their thoughts in such a way that they form a logical pattern that brings emotions to other people. They can communicate what they believe is useful in their life because they planned and organized their thoughts well. I dream the same, I dream to write great speeches which will impact people, write articles that will be a source of truths to people, write books that will leave a mark in people’s life- and all that begins with knowing how to organize my thoughts clearly and writing is my best way to do that.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

3. I would like to connect with like-minded people.

It’s somehow unbelievable how artists connect with their fellow artists and come up with creative ideas that make people who can talk their language have peace of mind and have a reason to enjoy their lives. How readers connect and travel with authors who are far beyond their sights just by the experiences shared in their books. I have read some books and frequently get this wow moment that I feel like I and the author speak the same language. It is through such experiences, I felt like someone may have my way of thinking. I believe that through writing I can connect with people who share the same ideas as me or even challenge my ideas and in the end create a great feeling that may inspire me and others to do what they think they can do better.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

4. I would like to improve my reading skills.

Stephen King once said, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” Almost everyone I met who was good at something always said they had put in some amount of effort and hard work to reach the level they have reached. While it’s true that hard work and dedication are equally important in achieving our goals, let’s not forget the importance of working smart towards the result we intend to get. I love reading but I think it’s not enough. For me to be good at writing I need to learn from great writers and not only writers as my teacher said but from the best writers and all that comes back to the willingness of reading their work.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

5. I want to put all my imagination into writing.

I don’t know if this only happens to me but I feel like most of the time when I have conversations with people, I usually enter this spaceship that takes me to completely new places and starts imagining our conversations from that place. I can tell sometimes I wish these things happened for real. I want to take this chance by putting down information or description of those imaginations that come to my mind and hopefully tell a better story from different angles and perspectives. In short, I want other people to travel with me to these amazing places with my writings and witness for themselves that there is a great power in forming such imaginations.

Photo by Mitchell Hartley on Unsplash

6. I want to be good at reflecting on my experiences.

In 2021 I was part of a great Internship program at the Global Citizenship Foundation. I can surely say that up to now this was among my best internship experiences ever. I was part of a carefully curated skills-enhancement program for young people and educators from around the world which aimed at preparing young people to become mindful global citizens. One of the great practices we had during my three months internship was doing reflections each day. This became part of my life even after finishing the internship at the organization-and all this came down to me as an individual to write down my thoughts and the vulnerability to allow other people to read them.

It is through this experience that I learned that often we like to read books that are based on the author’s reflections who are good at reflecting on their experiences and telling a better story out of those experiences.

Photo by Vale Zmeykov on Unsplash

Thank you so much for reading my first piece of writing. It took me a lot of sacrifices to put down what I think might be the reasons I should start writing and would be much more grateful to hear from you what you think of this article or share with me the reasons why you write. Moreover, I don’t like you to just read this article and end here but want to inspire you to start something you always wanted to start, and let’s be part of this family which is eager to start things and enjoy the growth process as time unfolds.



John shayo

Reader | Entrepreneur | Upcoming writer | Social Scientist in the Making | student at African Leadership University, Mauritius.