Hello, we’re Atomic!

F(o)unded by Atomic
3 min readJan 27, 2017

One of our New Year’s resolutions is to share our story more and we’re excited to lift the veil a bit this week!

On Monday, The Wall Street Journal profiled our unique approach to founding and funding companies, describing Atomic as “mashing together the roles of founder and investor.”

Atomic, With First Fund, Looks to Upend Venture-Capital Model — WSJ

Over the past three years, we’ve quietly created six companies with over 300 employees and more than $100 million in backing from top investors… and we’re just getting started.

As WSJ highlights, Atomic provides founders “support and resources,” “a squad of internal specialists…to take care of time-consuming but important functions,” and a platform that has enabled our “startups to raise capital more quickly than a typical startup” — all to accelerate and de-risk company creation. That’s also great for investors, as WSJ recognized Atomic is “designed to generate better returns than a typical venture fund.”

Hidden in that story was a quick mention of one of our secret weapons: our team in Kitchener-Waterloo.

While other studios have also created internal teams to help its companies, Atomic has taken this a step further, building remote teams to help across all its startups, since talent is so costly and hard to find locally. The firm has engineers in Waterloo, Canada…

On Wednesday, we celebrated the grand opening of our brand new 10,000 square ft office in downtown Kitchener-Waterloo (KW), in what the city now calls its “Innovation District.”

Cutting the tape with the Mayor of Kitchener at the Atomic KW grand opening!

At Atomic, we’re committed to building companies with the most talented entrepreneurs and engineers in the world, and we believe KW is one of the best places — in the world — to do that. The University of Waterloo is a top five engineering school worldwide and there are nearly 1,000 tech companies employing 30,000 people in KW, with our team accounting for 50 and growing rapidly.

The KW community has welcomed us with open arms since we first visited a couple years ago. Here is the story on how we landed in KW:

Atomic to build Canadian startups on California capital — Communitech

You may notice that our handle is @JoinAtomic. That’s not only because someone else already had @Atomic, but because we are rapidly expanding in both San Francisco and Kitchener-Waterloo! Please drop us a note if you’re interested in working together to build the next great company!



F(o)unded by Atomic

Atomic is a venture studio that founds and funds companies. We’re the creators of Bungalow, Found, Hims & Hers, Homebound, OpenStore, Replicant, and more.