You Are Special, You are Exceptional, You are Unique!

Jokotola Edu
4 min readApr 11, 2018

I cannot believe that I have not posted in 3 months! Where did all that time go? I am constantly writing but for some reason, I lack the discipline to post regularly. It definitely does not help when posting on my phone is taking longer than I would like. Today, I decided to try something new by posting from my computer and so far, it has been a quicker and easier experience.

In the last few months, I have been learning through Bible Plans which is very unlike me. You see, I don’t like the daily pop-up reminders. I prefer to read at my time and pace and just allow the Holy Spirit reveal whatever He wants to teach me in each verse. However, I have come to learn that plans can be just as helpful as I can focus on a particular topic, the chapters are already curated for that topic and I can also glean insights from the devotionals. It also helps that I can take these plans with friends which creates a great accountability structure while learning from one another by sharing our daily insights.

And that is how I started my current plan. A couple of weeks ago, a friend invited a few of us to take Hillsong’s Fear of God Stand in Awe plan. Now I had no idea what the plan was about but I thought sure, why not? It is a 14 day plan so I was more than happy to be a part of it. You see, I still steer away from the super long plans. I do not want to start what I might not finish. The last time I attempted to do this, I ended up spending 18 months doing a 12 month plan.

Anyway, I digress. In today’s reading, the writer addresses a huge poison in our society; the fear of man. Because we deal with men and women of different character every single day, we have come to love some, even hate some and of course, fear some. Some people wield so much power over us that we might even forget that God is a lot more powerful than they are. Apart from that, some men and women have labelled us negatively, telling us lies and can even go as far as to compare us to others by highlighting our “limitations.” But what we might all be forgetting is that God created us specially, He created us with what He knew was best for us. The psalmist reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Now I asked myself, what does it mean to be fearfully and wonderfully made? According to David Peach, to be fearfully made is to have a deep reverence for how God created you AND best believe that it is NOT average. To be wonderfully made, you understand that you are unique and your gifts were specifically chosen by God for you and for a purpose. That is why whatever God calls you to do, you would love it and feel fulfilled.

People will always talk. People will always label us. People will always tell us their versions of their so called truth and even sometimes try and force us to believe it. But the only way to drown those voices out and know God’s truth about you is to have a deep and intimate relationship with Him. To stand in awe of Him and always come to Him with childlike faith.

Please remember that God loves you. Because of His love for you, He created you to be exceptional, to be special, to be unique.

Do NOT believe the negative labels that tell you otherwise. Learn to disassociate from the lies the world tells you. Always stick to the God version of your life.

To drive home the point further, I love this excerpt below from Lisa Bevere’s Adamant plan:

How can you hate? How can you, who are love, hate? God hates what unmakes love. He hates what tears apart those He loves. He hates what undermines His image and distorts our identity. God hates what corrupts love. God loves people. God loves the broken, the bound, the sinner. God is love and love never hates people. God loves everyone but He does not love everything.

