Printed post-its!

Jon McNestrie
3 min readJun 19, 2020


I love my sticker-notes & full blown reflective templates (my post on that is still half written) but who doesn’t love a post-it note for collecting small bits of information and insight!

I’ve recently been creating small templates to print on post-it notes to make them even more useful. This might include a simple reflective template with a few questions to answer and some spaces to answer them.

Reflective templates

It might include something a little simpler to add some metaphor or just a little flair to something someone is capturing in a coaching session or elsewhere.

Anyway, how do you do this?

We start with a printed template with spaces the size of post-its. I’ve got square and rectangle templates for the standard sizes of post-its.

Once this is printed, carefully and as curl free as you can, stick post-its over the printed boxes. I use the 3M super-sticky ones but have tried it successfully with other brands.

Ready to print

These can then go back into your printer, ideally the right way up and the right way round!

I’ve done this on a few printers without difficulty now but I would suggest a careful test with just one note to make sure that your printer doesn’t object too strongly. I’ve also started selecting ‘Label’ as the paper type whilst doing this as it feeds the paper through my printer more slowly and seals the ink a little better.

In the same document as the template I have the images that I want printed on the post-its, in the exact same size & location boxes. I print just these pages over the top and out come my printed post-its.

What, so what, now what?

I do this a lot with drawing from my iPad but there’s nothing to stop you doing it with just text or any pictures you like.

The finished post-its can be used by yourself, given to workshop participants, used in 1–2–1 coaching, whatever you like.

You can get the templates here to have a go for yourself. Please share anything exciting that you come up with!!



Jon McNestrie

Team coach, leadership coach & facilitator. ICF PCC, visual facilitator, Lego Serious Play & more.