Aigang Team Grows — New Advisor is here!

Jonas Matk
2 min readAug 25, 2017


We’ve got some more exciting news to share with you! Our team now has one new member — the blockchain advisor, Bok Khoo.

Bok Khoo — Aigang Blockchain Advisor

We believe that him joining the team as an advisor will prove to be incredibly valuable to Aigang, as Bok brings a know-how and practical experience in building blockchain applications.

Why do we think so?

If you’ve been around in the crypto world, it’s a person you wouldn’t need an introduction, especially his online nickname.

He’s widely known in the crypto community as the BokkyPooBah — on, GitHub and Reddit. He also built — a decentralized trustless Ethereum-based token exchange market.

Further, he has plenty of experience beyond that — he’s an actuary and quantitative software developer & blockchain consultant. When it comes to development struggles in a blockchain project, if he can’t give you the answer — there’s isn’t one.

Finally, Bok officially joined after he audited our smart contracts for Pre-Launch Contribution — Bok Khoo Consulting. We saw that his insights could provide a huge benefit to the Aigang development not only from smart contracts perspective, but from the blockchain as well. Now we are more than confident that we have enough know-how to apply and make this blockchain protocol more than reality.

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