Meet us at the conferences — the more the merrier.

Jonas Matk
2 min readSep 13, 2017


It’s quite important to keep on learning new things and educating yourself.

What’s the best way to learn more about blockchain?

Online courses with just 6 small monthly payments of 99.95? Udemy course with 50% discounts? Webinar of some blockchain expert?


It’s talking with like-minded people. And show me a better place than a blockchain developers conference to share ideas with exactly same people you are!

That’s why we like attending conferences so much.

Last week we announced we’ll be sponsoring Etherisc organized conference D1Conf — decentralized insurance developer conference in Cancun, Mexico on 31st October.

However, this week — two of our team members will be heading down to Germany.

It’s Lukas & Darius.

It’s quite a busy time for Lukas as it’s a second conference for him this week.

This time it’s purely a Blockchain Tech Crypto Meetup called Blockchain Hotel. Starting on 15th September and lasting 2 days of the best blockchain expert talks and discussions in the fields related to Blockchain technology, Bitcoins & Fintech.

If anyone is in Essen, Germany — catch-up with them!

I’m sure they’ll return with even more ideas on how to evolve Aigang.

Finally, one another conference!

It’s called 9th FinTech Forum — our business developer Augustas will be attending it and sharing our vision with conference attendees!

If you’re around Frankfurt on 21st September — don’t miss the opportunity to learn more on Aigang in person!

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