How to Write a Resignation Letter

Alex Joonto
5 min readOct 21, 2022

Why A Resignation Letter Is Important

When you surf the internet, you will find countless of articles advising you on how to write down a CV and a cover letter. The templates and the tips available are endless. Some are smart, some are total non-sense, touching the realm of urban legends.

However, for the endless resources concerning the layout of your CV, you will find little or no information on how to write down a proper resignation letter. The instinct may suggest you a resignation letter is not important. “The story is over. I’ll just download a template, where I thank everybody. That’s it! Bye Bye!”, I hear you say.

By doing so, you save some minute, but you may miss great opportunities. Walking out the door is even more important than how you walked in.

  • When you join a company, they don’t know you.
  • When you leave a company, they know you very well. They can tell if what you wrote is heartfelt or not.

That’s why you should never use a template. Nobody likes being bullshitted. Your former managers and colleagues can be precious references for future employments. Do you want their last memory of yours to be associated with a sad, empty, fake resignation letter?

What to Write in a Resignation Letter?

Write down your true feelings, of course with politeness. If something didn’t work out, acknowledge it, but refrain from putting the blame on someone. For every down, don’t forget the ups you had too. Regardless of how the experience was, the business you’re leaving gave you a salary and something to put on your CV.

To give you an example, here’s my resignation letter from Giodani, a small Italian betting company I worked for between 2013 and 2016, in Malta.


Hello everyone,

I’m writing this email to inform you that on 20th September 2016, I will resign from my tasks at Giodani Ltd, since I have received and accepted a job offer from PokerStars.

I thank all the Giodani Ltd staff that accompanied me along these 3 years. Between beautiful moments and even negative moments, this was anyway an exciting and highly formative experience, having given me the chance to cover any role you can cover in an iGaming business. So it’s even thanks to you if now I have the opportunity to join one of the biggest iGaming companies in the world and realize such a dream.

I hope that Giodani can go through this critical moment unscathed and I wish to promise my utmost commitment in these last 15 days, so that we can lay solid foundations for the company’s future.




My time at Giodani hasn’t been always easy. There were moments of high tension. In some meetings, my nerve got so twisted that I even punched the desk to make my point. Something I’m not proud of at all. That’s why I mention the “highs and lows” we had in our work relationship. Don’t be afraid of making your point. When you leave a company, it’s time for honesty, time to show your cards. You’re not here to impress.

With PokerStars, my resignation letter was a different story.


Hello Team,

I hope you are having a great time and that you are safe!

It’s with great sadness that I have to communicate my need to resign from my position.

When you work for PokerStars, you must give your best every day, in every situation, to every customer and every colleague. I can guarantee this only until July 18th 2020.

Taking this decision wasn’t easy at all. You can’t leave 4.5 years behind like nothing. I confess that I shed more than a tear during these days. PokerStars is by far the best company I’ve ever worked for, the place I’ve always dreamt to be since when I started playing poker.

I plan to spend the upcoming months travelling, learning to enjoy life more, rebooting my brain, requalifying, volunteering and taking care of my mental health. Who knows, maybe my new future skills will allow me to rejoin the family soon, under a new form…

In any case, I will keep my stake in Flutter, so technically, I will still be your boss! 😝

I’m sure that you will make me proud and that this ship will keep sailing steady through the Seven Seas! The wheel is in good hands. I have total confidence in Dmitri’s skills. You will be a great Team Leader! 😊

A big hug,

Alessandro Giuntini

Quality Experience Specialist

TSG Interactive Gaming Europe Limited


Writing this letter was easy. The hard part was to take this decision. When I told my manager my intentions, I burst crying. After the call, I couldn’t work for the rest of the day. I was broken. I felt the same kind of pain you experience during a break up, including physical pain, that weird sensation of having all of your bones broken at once. Sometimes you have to leave your love in order to grow and to heal.

The Letter Alone Is Not Enough!

Sending a resignation letter is not enough though.

Make sure to complete all the tasks which were assigned to you. If it’s not possible to complete those tasks before your departure, manage a proper handover.

Training other people on your duties is something very rewarding. I enjoyed so much training my successor, Maya. She was so responsive, curious and fast to learn. My goal with her was that she could become independent as quickly as possible and that she could provide the company with the same level I used to if not even superior. I wouldn’t mind if Maya became even better than me!

At least, now I have solid references and thanks to them, I’m enjoying an exciting adventure by the Atlantic Ocean….

If you want to see more work-related stuff, you can connect with me on LinkedIn!

Please, just do not try to sell your amazing solution to scale my business.

Oh, and provided you don’t reside in the US, feel free to try out SwissBorg, the best app to purchase and stake crypto!



Alex Joonto

Author of Thank You, President Corona! the most outrageous book of 2023!