White Fairytale: A Sexy Ghost in Venice

Alex Joonto
5 min readAug 11, 2023

My trip to Venice had nothing romantic; definitely I wasn’t in the mood. If I were, I’d have probably listened to the call of that half-naked lady who was returning to her hotel at 2 am.

I was lost, without internet, trying to remember where my hotel was. Then, I saw a woman walking in the distance. She was singing, clearly tipsy. I kept walking my way, when she turned slightly and after a few steps, took off her shirt. It was a hot night after all… Her hips were twisting happily, popping out of white trousers that blended elegantly with the surrounding marble buildings. Her torso wearing nothing but a bra.

The lady kept singing her unintelligible lyrics, while her hips were climbing the stairs of a bridge. The 19th century lamps lit up her elegant curves.

My brain was already fighting against me: “What do you think you’re doing, you creep??? Just speed up, overtake her, and find the freaking hotel! She’s not up for what you think!”
And I sped up. I reached White Fairytale quite quickly, but then I bumped into a group of South Americans, led by Black Venus.
“Approaching White Fairytale would be creepy, but hitting on Black Venus would be legit…”

The group asked me for a photo. They were Colombians using their gap year to explore Europe. I immediately understood the Colombian guys were very protective of Black Venus. There was no room to make my way to her, not even to exchange contacts and even if that would have been a possibility, I was too tired anyway.

I resumed my walk, thinking that I had lost Black Venus and White Fairytale all at once. However, after a few bridges, the mysterious White Fairytale was there again!
“Given her pace, she either took the wrong path and came back or… she waited for me…? No, that’s not possible. Don’t be silly! These things happen only in movies!”

I kept searching for my reference point: the Corner Pub. If I found that place, I could recall where my hotel was. And then, after few minutes, the Corner Pub was there!

Play this song now, then keep reading…

Just when the pub was on sight, White Fairytale started (slowly) to climb the stairs of a bridge in front of it. She was still singing and now I was so close that I could hear she was uttering English words.

I was so close that I became agitated. I was excited and scared at the same time. My mind got divided in two. I won’t call them “angel vs devil”, rather “high self-esteem vs low self-esteem”.

She was holding a shirt in her hand, but Leonardo AI didn’t want to apply it, no matter what prompt. Dirty AI…

When the woman turned, the entities fighting in my brain sent me opposite interpretations…

High self-esteem: “Here she is! She wants you to speak to her! You’re the alien sex fiend she was waiting for!”
Low self-esteem: “She’s worried. She understood you’re trying to follow her. Just move on and don’t say anything. Let her feel safe, poor girl!”

This battle was kind of a draw. What do I mean by that? I mean that my brain chose to stall, pretending to check the phone and figure out the place through Google Maps. Smartphones are always a good last resort to solve embarrassing situations. This allowed me to gain enough time to cross the bridge after White Fairytale.

Now at least I could see which direction she was taking and… she was taking the same direction of mine! Turned left then continued 2 streets to turn on the right. At that point, the lady kept a steady pace, and turned to the left.
“Damn! That’s not possible! Is she staying at the same hotel of mine???”
I began to hope for that. Such a scenario could have defeated the judgmental part of mine. But nope… White Fairytale proceeded till the end of the street, then turned left, giving me a final, brief look… “Lalalala…” and then she disappeared. I sensed as if that “Lalala” was a gentle fuck you: “I was waiting for you, but you weren’t confident enough… I’ll have fun on my own… Bye…”

Low self-esteem won this time. Just to hurt myself a bit more, I reached the end of the street, as if White Fairytale could be so reckless to ambush me around the corner. The girl’s hotel was there, but no trace of her… and the voice in my head told me, with sarcasm: “Buddy… Your hotel is just back the street before… hihihi!”

Clearly my self-esteem is not healed yet, but at least, this time I didn’t make a tragedy out of it. Better, I turned this episode into an intriguing story for my Medium blog. I’m sure my therapist will be proud of this reaction! :-D

I never post about my romantic life, but this instance, this night fantasy seemed like the perfect tale to tell through storyboarding. Here lies a humanistic way of using AI. Instead of replacing the human, AI can help him to tell his stories better, in a more vivid way. Here is how I could tell a real story, with the feelings that revolve around it, with AI as my storyboard assistant! Isn’t it great? :-)))
Let me know in the comments if you liked this experiment!

See you for the next chapter about Trieste! ;-)



Alex Joonto

Author of Thank You, President Corona! the most outrageous book of 2023!