Republican Party has Been Dying for a Long Time Hopefully, its Death was Very Painful

Jordan Arizmendi
4 min readJan 13, 2019


I’ve written plenty of obituaries for the republican party. Journalists have been writing the exact same articles about both the republican and democratic parties for decades. In 1964, the GOP lost a huge amount of seats. Headlines ‘Republican Party is Dead’ filled all the new stands, but then two years later, Republicans won big. All bruises heal.

When Bush Jr. was president and led us into a war based on doctored intel, I thought the republican party was finished then. Good GOD! You think Trump is bad? Junior’s lies devastated America for years, until Obama saved us. As if they all had amnesia, they voted for Trump. So whose to say in another eight years, they’ll vote for the next fast-talking republican snake-oil salesman?

Today, the GOP is battling a different crisis. I feel the GOP is dead not because the GOP has changed but the America population has changed. America simply doesn’t agree with GOP policies anymore. As youth and immigrants take up the majority of voters, issues like abortion and same sex marriage won’t compel millions of people to vote for republicans.

It has worked for them for half of a century. Like luring the donkey with the carrot, republicans stick issues like abortion and same sex marriage in front of their uneducated voters, and lead them to the voting booth. These republican politicians don’t care about such issues. They just need the votes so they could lower taxes for their wealthy friends. Right there is the republican battle plan.

How many more elections will republicans be able to use such a tactic? Even last election, despite the massive influx of fake news and Russia’s assistance, Trump still lost the popular vote. Let’s assume republicans lose the next two presidential elections. Will their chances be better in 2030?

This is a funny article, Washington Examiner. It is written by Republican representative from Tennessee John James Duncan Jr. He writes that anyone who thinks the republican party is dead, is wrong. He ends the article with this.

I believe everyone, including women and minorities, will at some point realize that socialist policies will greatly reduce our standard of living and will just about destroy the middle class.

They will turn (or return) to the Republican Party, and it will come back as strong or stronger than ever. We should all hope it is sooner rather than later.

So at least we agree on one thing — that republicans have lost women and minorities. Are they really still crying about socialism? The article lists other socialist countries like Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea and concludes that democrats want America to turn out like those places.

Socialism is defined as a society where everyone equally owns factors of production (land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship). It is the opposite of capitalism. Democrats are accused of being socialists simply because of their push for healthcare for all. Health care for all, for example, is practiced in every single industrialized nation in the world. However, republicans accuse democrats of being socialists for wanting to provide your sick daughter with healthcare. Those uneducated Trumpkins might fall for such outlandish lies, but anyone else would not. It is a very weak argument and will only convince staunch republicans.

The fact that the republicans nominated Donald Trump, the antithesis to the normal republican politician, is the most convincing proof that the republicans died long ago. Republican voters were so disgusted with their politicians they chose someone who was 180 degrees different from them. I can only imagine who they will nominate next?

Trump might have made those wealthy fat cats real happy, as they sit on their piles of gold. But in the long run, they would have been much better off had Trump never won. Democrats are already talking about 70% taxes. Such a high number certainly got a few republicans wringing their bald heads.

Doubtful if the republican will every acknowledge the damage Trump inflicted on the republican party. After all, it requires some intelligence to admit your errors. A smart man never makes a mistake, a very wise man admits his mistake. Trump will go down in history as the last republican president.

