Open a *new* leverage position in MCDEX

Main steps in this guide:

Jordi Morris
5 min readJul 24, 2020
  • Close the Ether position in Dydx
  • Withdraw funds from Dydx
  • Deposit Funds in Montecarlo DEX
  • Create a new Ether position in Montecarlo DEX

After this guide

  • Portfolio Exposure increased to $2,831
  • Value of our Portfolio: $1,112
  • Profit and Loss: +$112

MonteCarlo Decentralised Exchange is a brutal development trending up!

It has a user friendly interface to easy apply Position sizing, a key factor to reduce or increase positions.

Let’s build a position with the freshly $60 printed and let’s cash out the position we have at Dydx Trade, then deposit funds in MCDEX

  • Go to Dydx trade:
  • Click on Close, we’ll cash out a +47% profit here, cling clang!
  • Close position:
  • We are required to sign a message to confirm the closing of the position so we exit the leveraged market.
  • See the funds and click withdraw to take the funds out from dydx and return them to the metamask
  • Click MAX to withdraw all the ether funds
  • Click Withdraw
  • 30 Days ago we deposited 0.87 Ether here in Dydx
  • We now withdraw +0.21 ETHER of profit, ~57$
  • Click Confirm
  • Cash out in the metamask Wallet:
  • Choose Metamask:
  • Click on Next to Connect Account 1 to MCDEX
  • Click Connect:
  • Sign the message to automatically sign up into the first Ether Derivatives Exchange

Derivatives Exchanges move Trillions of USD. In crypto space they are quite significant and they also move billions of USD. Montecarlo DEX aims to capture the value of the Derivatives market and bring it to liquidity providers, anyone can be a liquidity provider following the Miner’s Guide!

  • Go to Exchange →Account

— What we do?

  • Deposit ETH funds (~$340 we’ll be deposited)
  • Specify 1,23 ETH ~$340
  • Click Deposit
  • Confirm Transaction
  • Create a 4x position to buy Ether at $274
  • First specify the limit price, $274
  • Then set the leverage target to 4x
  • Click Max Buy, Quantity is the amount of $USD about to be purchased in ETH
  • Click Buy Long
  • Info of the position before confirming by signing a message from Metamask funds
  • Click Buy/Long

Position created:

  • Exposure 4.818ETH (1320 USD)
  • Leverage 3.9x

Portfolio Update:



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Jordi Morris

LindyHOP·Kiteboarding·Skydive·ScubaDive·Instructor·Cryptocoiner ·LongBoard·GymRat