Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersAutomating dependency updates in a Compose projectAutomating dependency maintenance reduces errors but there are some considerations to take into account if you use Compose.Mar 10, 20233Mar 10, 20233
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersIntroducing the Architecture TemplatesWe released a new project on Github called Android Architecture Starter Templates.Dec 5, 20223Dec 5, 20223
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersAlternatives to Idling Resources in Compose testsIn this article you’ll learn how to use the waitUntil test API in Compose to wait for certain conditions to be met.Apr 22, 20224Apr 22, 20224
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersMigrating from LiveData to Kotlin’s FlowIn this post you’ll learn how to expose Flows to a view, how to collect them, and how to fine-tune it to fit specific needs.May 17, 202119May 17, 202119
Jose AlcérrecaHey Michael, I'm temporarily routing people from the SingleLiveEvent post to this one!Have you considered having a buffered channel for snackbars and a conflated one for navigation events?Mar 9, 20211Mar 9, 20211
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersMigrating the Google I/O app to HiltHilt is the new library built on top of Dagger that simplifies Dependency Injection (DI) in Android apps. But, how much does it simplify…Jul 20, 20208Jul 20, 20208
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersLiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part III: LiveData and coroutines patternsThis article is part III of a summary of the talk I gave with Yigit Boyar at the Android Dev Summit 2019.Jul 13, 20206Jul 13, 20206
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersLiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part II: Launching coroutines with Architecture ComponentsThis article is part II of a summary of the talk I gave with Yigit Boyar at the Android Dev Summit 2019.Jul 13, 20203Jul 13, 20203
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersLiveData with Coroutines and Flow — Part I: Reactive UIsThis article is a summary of the talk I gave with Yigit Boyar at the Android Dev Summit 2019.Jul 13, 20202Jul 13, 20202
Jose AlcérrecainAndroid DevelopersUnit-testing LiveData and other common observability problemsNext time you’re scratching your head looking at a perfectly fine unit test with LiveDatas that should be passing, or at an empty screen…Sep 2, 201913Sep 2, 201913