Are We Better Off Without Religion?

Joseph Allen Paine
5 min readNov 29, 2022

“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”
Bertrand Russell, paraphrased.

There are many religions, some as old as the first ancient civilizations that appeared. Hinduism is the oldest, emerging as long ago as the 15th century BC. The next was Zoroastrianism around 10 BC, which gave us the concept of good and evil. Zoroastrianism was also the first monotheistic — one god — religion. Then comes Judaism around 9 BC. Followed by several others like Jainism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shintoism, still all founded before Christianity. (

Eve in the Garden of Eden. ⓒ Joseph Allen Paine. All rights reserved.

Christianity appeared later after Christ was born, roughly around 5 BC. Yes, according to modern calculations, even Jesus Christ was born around five years Before Christ. Christianity formed from the older religion Judaism. Despite that, Judaism remains a separate religion.

The 3 Abrahamic Religions

Be as it may, Judaism is still among the three Abrahamic faiths. These Abrahamic religions all recognize the ancient biblical god of Abraham as their god. Islam religion shares in this. And Islam is among the youngest religions of those mentioned above, which formed roughly 600 years after Christianity.

Although Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in and pray to the same god, that’s where…



Joseph Allen Paine

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