The Controversy of Uri Geller: Psychic or Illusionist?

Joseph Allen Paine
5 min readDec 20, 2022

Uri Geller is a controversial figure who has gained fame for his alleged psychic abilities and his work as a parapsychologist. Geller has claimed to have demonstrated many psychic abilities, including telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance, and he is best known for his alleged ability to bend spoons and move objects with his mind.

Uri Geller. Wikimedia.

However, Geller’s claims have been met with skepticism and controversy from the scientific community. Many scientists and skeptics have argued that no scientific evidence supports his claims of psychic ability. They accused him of using trickery and deception to create the illusion of psychic powers and challenged him to prove his abilities under controlled conditions.

Geller has participated in several scientific studies and tests in an effort to demonstrate his abilities under controlled conditions. Still, the results of these studies have been mixed, and many scientists have concluded that his alleged powers are not genuine.

In this context, it is worth noting the popular quote by James Randi, a well-known skeptic, and magician who has been critical of Geller’s claims: “The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams.” This quote reflects Randi’s skepticism about Geller’s claims and his belief that they are simply illusions or tricks.



Joseph Allen Paine

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