Ilary Blasi: The One and Only Netflix Movie REVIEW

Joseph N. Balch
6 min readDec 13, 2023


Ilary Blasi: The One and Only,” a captivating Netflix original documentary, provides an unprecedented look into the life and legacy of Italy’s revered celebrity. The film unfolds as Ilary Blasi shares a poignant narrative of triumphs, love, and heartbreak, tracing her trajectory from a child actress in films like David and Goliath and Da grande to her pinnacle as a renowned television host and model. The documentary delves into the intricacies of her highly publicized divorce from former footballer Francesco Totti, offering viewers an intimate understanding of the challenges she faced along her remarkable journey. Featuring exclusive interviews with Ilary and those closest to her, as well as behind-the-scenes glimpses from her illustrious television career, the film paints a comprehensive portrait of this influential personality.

Ilary Blasi: The One and Only Netflix REVIEW

As ‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only’ unfolds, audiences are taken on a nostalgic journey through Ilary Blasi’s formative years as a child actress, starring in notable films like David and Goliath and Da grande. The documentary skillfully captures her struggles with the pressures of fame, unveiling a rebellious and independent spirit that defined her early years. Against the backdrop of her rise as a television host and model, the film intricately explores the highs and lows of Ilary’s personal and professional life. The spotlight intensifies on her much-discussed divorce from former footballer Francesco Totti, adding layers of emotion to the narrative. Exclusive interviews with Ilary and key figures in her life, coupled with behind-the-scenes footage from her celebrated television career, elevate this Netflix original to an immersive and enlightening experience.

‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only’ opens a poignant chapter in the life of Italy’s iconic figure, Ilary Blasi. The documentary commences with a heartfelt reflection on her early days as a child actress, starring in acclaimed films like David and Goliath and Da grande. Ilary candidly shares the struggles she faced under the spotlight and how these experiences shaped her into a resilient and independent individual. The film seamlessly transitions through her evolution into a celebrated television host and model, with a central focus on the personal challenges, including her highly publicized divorce from Francesco Totti. Exclusive interviews with Ilary and her inner circle, combined with behind-the-scenes footage from her illustrious television career, weave a compelling narrative that unveils the layers of this influential personality.

In the Netflix original documentary, ‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only,’ viewers are treated to an intimate exploration of the life and career of Italy’s luminary, Ilary Blasi. The film commences by delving into Ilary’s early years as a child actress, showcasing her roles in iconic films like David and Goliath and Da grande. As she reminisces about the challenges of navigating fame at a young age, the documentary paints a vivid picture of her rebellious and independent spirit. The narrative seamlessly transitions through her ascent as a television host and model, culminating in the spotlight on her highly publicized divorce from former footballer Francesco Totti. Exclusive interviews with Ilary and her closest confidantes, alongside behind-the-scenes footage from her illustrious television career, compose a riveting and comprehensive portrait of this influential Italian personality.

As the documentary unfolds, it navigates Ilary Blasi’s transformative shift from acting to hosting, portraying her as the charismatic face of acclaimed shows like Le Iene, Top of the Pops, and the Eurovision Song Contest. In this phase of her career, Ilary reflects on the meticulous honing of her hosting skills and the delicate equilibrium she maintained between her professional and personal realms. The film sheds light on her captivating romance and marriage with Francesco Totti, the legendary footballer and Roma’s revered captain, portraying their love story as a modern-day fairy tale that captured the affection of Italy.

However, the documentary doesn’t shy away from delving into the more challenging aspects of Ilary’s life. It bravely explores the shadows cast by media scrutiny, controversies, and the complexities of being a mother to three children. Ilary shares candidly about the stress and criticism she faced, offering a poignant insight into her coping mechanisms and the unwavering preservation of her dignity and integrity amid adversity.

The narrative takes a somber turn as Ilary addresses the darker chapters, including the media’s watchful eye, controversies, and the intricacies of motherhood. The documentary provides a raw and unfiltered portrayal of how Ilary coped with the inevitable stress and criticism, showcasing her resilience and unwavering commitment to maintaining her sense of self. Amidst the challenges, she also confronts the rumors and speculations surrounding her divorce from Totti, providing a candid glimpse into the pain and public scrutiny she endured.

Additionally, the film delves into the intricacies of Ilary’s relationship with Francesco Totti, navigating the rumors and speculations surrounding their divorce. Ilary’s candid reflections on coping with pain and managing public attention provide a heartfelt perspective on the trials faced by a public figure. Despite the challenges, she expresses gratitude and respect for Totti, highlighting their evolved relationship as friends and co-parents, showcasing a narrative of maturity and mutual understanding.

As the curtain falls on ‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only,’ the documentary culminates with Ilary’s poignant reflections on her transformative journey. She contemplates her myriad achievements, illustrating how she has matured both personally and professionally. With introspection, she shares her aspirations for the future, expressing a desire to perpetuate her role as an inspirational entertainer, captivating audiences with her enduring charisma and talent.

Ilary Blasi: The One and Only Netflix REVIEW

The film encapsulates a candid and compelling portrait of Ilary Blasi, offering an intimate glimpse into the extraordinary life of a star who has thrived under the public gaze. Through a masterful storytelling lens, the documentary unfolds Ilary’s vibrant personality, unyielding passion, and unwavering perseverance. It navigates the highs and lows of her journey, showcasing how she navigated the obstacles and challenges that accompany fame and fortune.

A standout feature of ‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only’ lies in Ilary’s transparent narrative, where she fearlessly lays bare both the triumphs and tribulations of her life. The documentary doesn’t tiptoe around difficult subjects, including the end of her marriage, allowing viewers to forge a profound connection with her on a deeply personal level. This willingness to share the highs and lows adds a layer of authenticity that elevates the film beyond a typical celebrity profile.

Ilary Blasi’s unfiltered openness about her personal experiences, both positive and negative, serves as a compelling cornerstone of the documentary. By addressing challenging topics such as the dissolution of her marriage, Ilary invites viewers into her world, fostering a genuine connection. ‘Ilary Blasi: The One and Only’ stands as a testament to her resilience, offering audiences an authentic and multifaceted portrayal of the woman behind the celebrity.

Ilary Blasi emerges as a symbol of extraordinary resilience and strength in the documentary, painting a vivid portrait of a woman who gracefully navigates life’s peaks and valleys with unwavering determination. Her compelling journey stands as a beacon of inspiration, reminding audiences that even the most formidable challenges can be conquered.

The documentary adeptly balances the exploration of Ilary Blasi’s personal and professional spheres, offering a comprehensive insight into her multifaceted experiences. From her triumphs as a television presenter to the intimate revelations of her personal struggles, the film weaves a narrative that captures the essence of Ilary’s life in its entirety.

While the documentary covers a broad spectrum of Ilary’s life, there is a lingering sense that certain challenging aspects could have been explored in greater depth. A more nuanced examination of these facets could have enriched the narrative, providing a deeper understanding of Ilary’s experiences and the profound impact they’ve had on her journey.

An absolute must-watch for enthusiasts of Ilary Blasi and anyone intrigued by the life and career of one of Italy’s most iconic celebrities, the documentary offers a compelling blend of inspiration and insight. Through its exploration of both the triumphs and trials, it paints a captivating picture of Ilary’s resilience, making it a noteworthy addition to the cinematic landscape.



Joseph N. Balch

cinema reviewer extraordinaire, crafts eloquent critiques, shaping discussions with insight in the film community.