Make sure you take advice from Google with a grain of salt…

Pro Google Ad Tip: You Can’t Always Trust Google. Here’s Why…

Joe Putnam
2 min readOct 17, 2018

Pro Tip: You can’t always trust Google’s ad recommendations.

Here’s what that looks like…

Google’s going to reach out and ask you to schedule a call with one of their account reps. Sounds great, so you schedule and jump on a call.

During the call, the Google rep gives you advice that sounds good so you implement it. Then, after the call, you’re left wondering what happened and why you’re getting worse results.

Here’s why…

1) Google account reps don’t always know what’s best for your account. Every campaign is different, and if they don’t know the details of your campaign, then they can give bad advice.

2) Google account reps don’t know Google ads as well as someone who’s been managing ads for years. Maybe they were just hired. Maybe they’re not that good at what they do. Either way, you frequently get bad advice from Google reps and need to think twice about implementing everything they recommend.

3) Google’s #1 goal is to make more money. Hence, their advice tends to revolve around getting you to spend more, not around more efficient results that puts more money in your pocket. As such, you have to take all advice from Google with a grain of salt.

I’ve seen this happen over and over again which means if you don’t know how to filter good advice from bad advice on Google calls, you can get screwed. I’m not saying Google’s out to get everybody, but they are really good at getting businesses to spend more on ads and ad reps frequently don’t know your campaign as well as they need to in order to get better results. Instead, they have general recommendations that work well for some campaigns and not as well for others.

So take any advice from a Google ad rep with a grain of salt or consider hiring a Google ad agency that knows how to sift through the good and bad advice and will make sure you get the best return on your ad spend.

Good luck, and feel free to leave a comment or send us a message on Facebook if you have a question about how to get a better return on Google ads!

About the Author: Joe Putnam runs an ad agency named ConversionEngine where they help clients make more money with profitable Google and Facebook ad campaigns. Get in touch today if you’re interested in learning how Google ads can help your business grow or if you’re interested in getting better results with your current campaigns.



Joe Putnam

I run where we help eCommerce brands profitably and predictably grow their sales.