How to Manage Clients

Joseph Grant
1 min readFeb 5, 2017


Let’s cut right to it. You have clients, and you need to manage them. If you’re not managing your clients and keeping an organized database, you might as well flush your business down the toilet right now.


This may seem like a stupid question at first, but let me break this down for you. If you don’t manage your clients, then you’re not setting up future sales. If you’re not selling, you’re failing. Managing your clients will help you create and maintain the proper channels to communicate with them. Communication is key for both retention and consistancy.


Apps. Forget using pen and paper, this is 2017. No one successfull is writing down client names, printing out reference photos and putting them in a school binder. Download an app that meets your budget, infact this is somthing you should have done yesterday. Clientology has a great, quick article on the top three Client Management Tools Here. The #1 rated tool is one made for iPhone, Clientology. It’s free to start, then just $2.99/mo to manage 10–500 clients. It’s amazing in alot of ways so check it out.


Now. Yesterday. Before you read this.

