Stop Sucking at Making Money

Joseph Grant
2 min readFeb 5, 2017


Let’s start off with the fact you’re reading this, and not out making waves to earn cash. Looking at articles on how to make money won’t make you much. I’m going to literally tell you what to do to make money, starting now.

1. Quit wasting time on Facebook

Not just Facebook, any social media in fact. Even if you’re a consultant, spending time on Facebook doing anything other than marketing is pointless. Getting sucked into stores and memes does NOTHING for you. Delete the app off your phone if you must. Just stop.

2. Get a Job

EVEN if you’re starting a business, even if you are a consultant, get a job. A job will provide stability and allow you to think long term instead of short term. Short term gain should not be important, think big… huge even. Get a job to pay your bills and grind at night and on weekends. If you are grinding on your business, make sure to manage it well. Use apps like Clientology to manage your clients, and Square to start accepting payments from anywhere. Think smart, you very smart.

3. Do things Smart

Stop spending $20-$50 here and there on food and alcohol and start saving. Surround yourself with the nerds from high school who are making million dollar apps. Even if that’s not your thing, being around those kind of weirdos will push you to live a lifestyle that is more geared towards making that money.

4. Budget Now

This part sucks, but do it. Confront your bank account. Look at what you make, or don’t make and budget EVERY MOTHER F***ING DOLLAR. I had no idea the money I wasted on stupid stuff every month until I did this. I had an idea, but didn’t realize how bad it was.

5. Oh yea, What do you Want to Do?

Do you want to work at Target until you die? Get a skill now. I make a solid five figure income in a 9–5 and I don’t even have a high school degree. How? I taught myself how to design apps by watching Youtube Videos, not coding, just designing them with Adobe Photoshop… and TAH DAH, proof that your excuses are bullshit. Work at subway while you develop a skill if you must, but don’t stop learning. Get creative and don’t stop trying.

I’m a little harsh, but take my kick in the butt and get off your phone. You really can do this.

