Joshua Harris Comments on Accomplishments of First-Ever Military Times Rebootcamp Entrepreneur of the Year Award Winner


Maj. Steve Gagner was recently awarded the first-ever Military Times Rebootcamp Entrepreneur of the Year award. Gagner’s day job is Executive Director of the Army Mountain Warfare School. His accomplishments that helped deem him entrepreneur of the year come from the brewing company (14th Star Brewing Co.) he co-founded with a fellow Vermont National Guardsman. Gagner uses 14th Star Brewing Co. to give back to the U.S. veteran community. Here, Joshua Harris — founder of Agency Growth Secrets — comments on Gagner’s accomplishments and on how “day job” skills can successfully translate into entrepreneurial ventures.

What is really outstanding about Maj. Steve Gagner is he recognized the skills he gained in his day job and is now diligently applying them to his own business. I think it’s remarkably cool to see someone who is not only working full-time but working full-time in the military, translate their “day job” skills into a venture of their own. He is a noteworthy example of how entrepreneurs seem to start — they take their current skills and they build on them in a new entrepreneurial venture. A lot of people don’t realize that the skills they are learning in their current job are actually applicable in running a business. It is really inspiring to see what Gagner has done.

In running a business, it is important to remember that you do not have to solely rely on your personal strengths. You can bring different people into the business to help you round out your weaknesses. If you do have a core strength, many times you can build your business around your strengths. One of those core strengths is definitely time efficiency.

Gagner’s time efficiency is extremely noteworthy. He didn’t just sit around binge watching Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime. He didn’t spend all of his time out drinking with his buddies. Instead he decided, “You know what, I’m going to actually build something that people want and can enjoy.”

An added benefit to Gagner’s business is its success in supporting veteran causes. Veteran causes are greatly under supported in this country. We know this is true based on the limited support currently available to the people that defend our freedoms. I believe there is nothing more important than supporting our veterans. We are allowed this amazing economic climate and this amazing country because we have a military that defends it.Every day there are people out there that want to take that freedom away from us. Seeing someone protect our freedoms against those people is remarkably inspiring.

I hope to see a wave of veterans get into entrepreneurship. I want to see veterans take their skills, discipline, drive, and ambitions and multiply those into thriving businesses that make great impacts in their communities. Having those businesses support veteran causes on the side is truly inspiring and impactful. Seeing veterans create business that lend such support inspires me to find a way to have my business help these same types of individuals. How can I help more veterans grow businesses?

I think there are a lot of people out there that want to do business with and support veterans. There’s something unique about the trust of working with a veteran over someone else. A veteran has proven that they can pass the test and training. Veterans are mentally tough and understand time management. They understand discipline and they follow through. There are so many traits that people in the military develop over time. I recognize that many of the traits and skill sets they gain in service are invaluable in the business world.

About Josh Harris:
Josh Harris founded Agency Growth Secrets (AGS) an advanced digital marketing firm. They deliver quality to their customers in the form of a data-driven, highly optimized process. AGS leverages technology like machine learning and artificial intelligence to target those about to purchase. This kind of target method optimizes marketing campaigns to decrease customer acquisition costs. Joshua Harris is a member of an elite group of successful entrepreneurs, The Oracles. Harris has been featured in both Forbes and Entrepreneur. Joshua is married and has two young daughters. He currently resides in St. Petersburg, Florida but is originally from Elmhurst, Illinois.



Josh Harris - Agency Growth Secrets

Joshua Harris, founder of the digital marketing firm Agency Growth Secrets, has greatly advanced customer acquisition methods through AI & Machine learning.