I’m With Her: The Case for a National Youth Movement for Hillary

Josh Hughes
4 min readNov 5, 2015


Let me be clear: I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. For people that know me or have ever even glanced at my social media, this should come as no surprise, but now it’s in writing and I couldn’t be happier to share the news. I knew I wanted Hillary Clinton to be the 45th President of the United States in early 2013, and I’ve been on board ever since. I join a long list of every statewide and federally elected Democrat in Iowa, dozens of state legislators and county party chairs, and thousands of everyday Iowans in every corner of the state who are ready to see a change in Washington with Hillary at the helm.

Hillary Rodham at Wellesley College Commencement, 1969

I’m supporting Hillary because plain and simple, I trust her to get up and fight for people like me every single day. There’s been a critque of Hillary Clinton and her storied past as of late, mostly centering on her variance on a few issues. I think that’s the wrong narrative. When I look at Hillary Clinton’s record of public service, I see a woman who used her undergraduate commencement address to slam the Vietnam War in front of a Senator that supported it. I see a young lawyer that went door to door finding children that couldn’t go to school in New England, and registering Latino voters in South Texas. I see the First Lady of Arkansas, fighting hard to reform public schools, even amidst intense public scorn and against massive opposition. I see a woman that took on the healthcare industry, and fought hard against the most entrenched of Washington interests. I see a person that knows how to campaign so well, she helped Democrats win races in 1998, and then won two Senate elections in her own right. I see the woman who won more primary votes than any candidate in history, and who fought for every vote until the very end. I see a Secretary of State that brokered a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and layed the foundation for the Iran Nuclear Deal. Tl;Dr version, I see a fighter for America who doesn’t know how to quit fighting for what’s right.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t know how to quit because every one of her fights, past and present, has been focused on helping Americans like me get ahead, and in that endeavor, quitting will not do for HRC. I’m with her not just because she’s a warrior of the American middle class in the mold of Ted Kennedy, but also because she’s a force of political nature in the mold of Lyndon Johnson (movie idea: Hurricane Hillary). Hillary has the right ideas, and she has the know-how and the experience to get things done. She’s the most qualified person ever to seek the office of President since perhaps Thomas Jefferson, and while experience is not the only important metric in picking a President, it means an awful lot to me.

As the youngest elected official in the State of Iowa, I know the problems that face our youth and rural communities. Hillary Clinton has a plan for students in combating campus sexual assault and reforming student loans, for repopulating and reinvigorating rural communities, and (closest to my heart) for making sure every student in the United States can get a good public education- regardless of ZIP Code, race, or income level. Not only are these bread and butter issues important to 99% of Americans, they are also achievable reforms.

Hillary breaks the archetype of a “white affluent liberal” that is strong within the Democratic Party. Both Hillary and I are strong intersectional feminists. Hillary understands the issues that face women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. Hillary Clinton has spoken out for Black Lives Matter, and for our transgender friends and family. Hillary has faced sexism- a lot of sexism (so much sexism!), and she has overcome it everytime. Electing Hillary Clinton will not end sexism in America, much like electing Barack Obama did not end racism, but having a feminist warrior in the White House who will fight discrimination everyday is miles better than the Republican alternative.

I’m beginning to engage my campus for Hillary, and I hope that young people around the country will join me. There’s no doubt that Hillary is the best, most qualified person for youth like me. I could go on about Hillary’s strong grasp on youth issues, her legitimate compassion for students struggling under student debt, or her tenacity to make change, but I’ll spare you. You need only hear her speak to marvel at her incredible grasp on the issues. Hillary has been fighting for these issues my whole life, and many years before me, too. I’m all in for Hillary because Hillary is all in for me. I hope that you’ll join me.



Josh Hughes

Native Iowan | I-35 School Board At-Large Director | Passionate Youth & Education Advocate | I like Due Process & Equal Protection | #Drake2019