The Vast Applications of Big Data

Josh Mangus
2 min readDec 4, 2016


In the previous post, we were just starting to scratch the surface of big data and understand that while big data as a concept is interesting, it is through the applications of big data that we can truly unlock its capabilities. We explored applications at a top-level, benefits that big data can offer companies of various size and interest, and how big data can be leveraged as a competitive advantage. Now it’s time to take a look at some of the specifics. Before we begin to more thoroughly explore applications of big data, take a look at this video that bridges the definitions and applications of big data using real-world examples:

Let’s break down some of the points and takeaways from the above video:

  1. To process big data, you do not need huge computers. People work with the cloud, an endless network of normal servers, and powerful algorithms.
  2. Netflix analyzed the big data of their viewers, like popular shows and watching patterns. This way they produced a successful series with the perfect combination of actors, directors, and story lines.
  3. The big data of traffic is being analyzed to develop a car that can drive completely accident free.
  4. In the future, we can even use the big data of DNA to determine the perfect treatment. This way, curing genetic diseases would become much easier.

These are a few very powerful applications of big data that will inevitably be used in the future, if not already, to benefit society and help companies deliver better products and services to consumers. Although the examples mentioned are mainstream, there are several others cases about how big data is used to optimize the use of renewable energy sources or develop a living model of a utilities network.

Personally, I’ve found researching examples of big data helps me better retain the concepts instead of thinking about big data and analytics theoretically. By doing this, someone who is less familiar with the ideas of how big data streamlines customer targeting, process optimization, and performance quantification, can see how these benefits are observed in organizations. Very few gaps remain as far as corporate adoption of big data across different industries, but the amount of data will increase its growth rate every year and likely have big data be encompassing of every industry/company on the planet. This exponential-like growth is illustrated in Figure 1 below.

For those who are still questioning the presence of big data in their respective fields, you may have had the doormat pulled out from under you. Even if not directly, big data is already making its way into adjacent areas, causing large investments in data analytics from companies and therefore their competitors. Through the various and vast applications of big data, the way business is done will be changed. Thanks for reading.



Josh Mangus

Strategy Consultant * Data & Analytics * focusing on how trends in big data will shape the future of business.