Four years ago, I asked for your support to be the People’s Attorney General. Today, I’m announcing my campaign for re-election.

Josh Shapiro
2 min readJan 15, 2020


Four years ago, I asked for your support when I announced my decision to run for Attorney General. I said we’d take on the big fights, defend the rule of law, and stand up to special interests trying to take advantage of Pennsylvanians. And together, we’ve done just that.

We have taken a historic stand for survivors of sexual abuse despite being up against one of the most powerful institutions in the world.

We are finally holding big pharmaceutical companies accountable for perpetrating the opioid crisis by pursuing profits while hooking people in the vicious cycle of addiction.

We are rooting out public corruption, protecting Pennsylvanians’ constitutional right to clean air and pure water, standing up for consumers getting ripped off, defending reproductive rights, reforming our criminal justice system to work for everyone and working to get illegal guns off our streets and out of the hands of criminals who shouldn’t have them.

But there are still people suffering injustice and there is more work to do.

That’s why today, I’m excited to announce my campaign for reelection and to humbly ask for your support once again.

My guiding principles haven’t changed: as the people’s AG, I’ll take on anyone who infringes on the rights or well-being of the people of our Commonwealth, without fear or favor. Our attorney general must be an advocate who will uphold the rule of law, especially when institutions are exploiting their power at the expense of Pennsylvanians — and that’s exactly how I’ll continue to serve in this role.

All the best,




Josh Shapiro

Attorney General of Pennsylvania. Dad to 4. Married to my high school sweetheart. Taking on the big fights for the people of our Commonwealth.