agile, defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary

I’d Like You To Know the Definition of Agile…

Joshua Kerievsky
3 min readOct 29, 2017


…so you understand what it means to be agile.

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, agile means marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace and having a quick resourceful and adaptable character.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it’s an adjective that further defines a noun: e.g. an agile dancer, dog, driver, pilot, nurse, programmer, manager, team, department.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it involves moving with speed, hence the word quick in the definition.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it involves moving with ease, defined by Merriam-Webster to mean facility or effortlessness (e.g. He completed the test with ease).

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it involves moving with grace, defined by Merriam-Webster to mean ease and suppleness of movement or bearing (e.g. She walked across the stage with effortless grace).

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that moving with quickness, ease and grace is what it means to be agile.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it means having a character that is resourceful, defined by Merriam-Webster to mean: able to meet situations: capable of devising ways (e.g. a resourceful leader).

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that it means having a character that is adaptable, defined by Merriam-Webster to mean: capable of being or becoming adapted, which means suited by nature, character, or design to a particular use, purpose, or situation. (e.g. plants that are easily adaptable to colder climates).

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that having a quick, resourceful and adaptable character is what it means to be agile.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so it becomes part of your mindset, rather than rituals you follow in a framework or process.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you don’t let slow, burdensome, agile-in-name-only frameworks or processes inhibit your agility.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you understand that becoming agile is a journey, not something you learn in a short class.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you may discern whether advice from authors, consultants, trainers or coaches truly helps you become more agile.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you can avoid faux agile: thoughtless, process-heavy, ritualistic approaches to agility that don’t produce wonderful outcomes.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so you can choose which principles and practices will truly help you be or become agile.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile by heart, so you may contemplate it’s meaning and endeavor to become ever more agile.

I’d like you to know the definition of agile so it helps you succeed in your endeavors.

