Exploring Ego & Consciousness

The Answers to All

Joshua Seemungal
6 min readSep 14, 2017

Fear of Facing Oneself

It’s amazing how a human being can live an entire life without actually knowing their true selves. This is the lengths we, as people, will go to not face our errors and weaknesses head on. Instead, we often rather opt for the easy way out by examining the faults of others.

Now, I’ll admit when it comes to finding your own truth, it is indeed the most difficult journey that you will ever embark upon. Yet, once on board, it is the easiest journey to complete.

It might take sixty years, five hours or it might never happen in this life, but what matters most is that you try. Even in the journey itself, there is a joy unlike any other to be found. It offers a profound sense of liberalization. However, like everything, it will only happen at its right time.

The Hindrance

While one of the major hindrances to self-realization lies in the construct of the system of society, the greatest challenge does not lie outside yourself, but right within.

The single greatest obstacle to finding your truth, and by extension, freeing yourself from the shackles of mental slavery is the ego. It is the corrupting voice of the mind. The one that urges you to act in such a manner that you will do anything, including hurting yourself or others, to satisfy your momentary desires.

All genuine religious teachings, all messages of the great prophets and all of spirituality are related to the concept of consciousness. The ego is the barometer of consciousness. So the higher your ego is, the lower your level of consciousness will be. While the lower your ego is, the higher your level of consciousness will be. Think of a see-saw. While one end goes up, the other end must come down.

“The Ego is the Barometer of Consciousness.’’

It is this relationship that will determine not only the course of your life but the fate of your soul. A higher consciousness and lower level of ego brings you closer to discovering your soul because you are more aware and appreciative of your true being. Your true being is simply a manifestation of the source of consciousness — Spirit — meaning that you are no different from any other life. Thus you will be more inclined to offer empathy and love towards others. This is why enlightened beings are selfless people, who dedicate their lives to others. They have essentially died, in a human sense, and have only returned to live for others.

On the other hand, a lower consciousness, and a higher level of ego brings you further away from discovering your soul because you become less appreciative of your true being and more obsessed with your false being — your individual life. As a result of elevated ego, you believe your life is the center of the universe, and that all the universe’s actions and creations must cater to your desires. You mistreat other beings simply for it to benefit you. And while a narcissistic life might bring rewards in the egotistical world, as we know it today, the spiritual effects of this lifestyle are horrendous. You are essentially selling your soul.

The Universe’s consciousness — Spirit — will not reward any being who seeks to exist predominantly for themselves. Thus, that being will not be granted the gift of spiritual awakening or enlightenment. This is because this person is not living to the benefit of our collective consciousness.

However, on the other hand, if Spirit knows your heart is pure and you are seeking to live for the benefit of all, you will be eventually rewarded with awakening, and in time, enlightenment. But, in order to do, you are likely to suffer first to lose your false sense of self. So be patient and see the suffering through.

*This will be discussed in further detail in subsequent posts.

‘Full consciousness is the awareness of all — one’s true self, while ego is the awareness of one’s individual self — one’s false self’

SOUL(Consciousness) vs SOLE(Ego)

With that said, I want you to look closely at the following teachings and quotes from some of the most well-known prophets. They all discuss a subdued ego and high-level of consciousness, in turn, glorifying empathetic and loving actions which benefit all.


‘Just as a mother would protect her only child with life, even so, let one cultivate a boundless love to all beings.’

‘Give, even if you only have little.’

‘It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.’

Jesus Christ:

‘’But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;’

‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.’’

‘For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.’


“Beware of envy because envy consumes (destroys) the virtues just as the fire consumes the firewood,”

“No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that, what he desires for himself.”

“Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures.”


“Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. Half Heartedness does not reach into majesty.”

‘On the path of love, friend and stranger are one and the same.’

‘Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.’

Sathya Sai Baba:

‘Love all beings; that is enough.’

‘Love must express itself as service.’


‘Have no friends not equal to yourself.’

‘I have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not virtuous. He who loved virtue would esteem nothing above it.’

The message from these enlightened prophets is simple. The key to unlocking your truth, and the truth of life, lies in mastering your mind. And this can only be accomplished by subduing your ego.

When you master the ego, you become a servant of love.

Thanks for joining me again. The next few chapters will be dedicated to helping you subdue your own ego.



