Day 1: Why I am Learning to Code #100DaysOfCode

Josephine Hardy
2 min readAug 29, 2019


📷- Bess Hamiti

Hi, I’m a Marketing Director and I have decided to learn how to code.

Why am I learning how to code?

I love building things and solving problems.

As a marketer of tech startups I am always creating things to solve problems. I research our ideal customers, learn about the problems they’re facing and how our company can help them. Then I publish useful articles articles and videos on topics of interest to our audience.

And yet I envy the developers who build the sites that host my content. There’s something very alluring about creating something as complex as a website or application.

I love writing, and I think it will continue to be my ultimate passion, but there’s so many other amazing things to learn in the world.

I am ready to acquire some new skills.

Today I joined the #100DaysOfCode movement

“I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.

I’ve decided to make this a public commitment.

And you should join me.”

Alexander Kallaway

As well as coding every for an hour every day I will tweet my progress and share tidbits on Medium.

You can learn more about the #100DaysOfCode challenge here.

What will I be learning and how?

I will be starting my code journey with HTML + CSS.

Last week I purchased The Complete 2019 Web Development Bootcamp taught by Angela Yu.

It it the highest rated course on Udemy (!) and having already gone through a couple hours of the HTML and CSS lessons I can honestly say it’s the best $12 I’ve spent in a long time.

I’ll spend some more time reviewing the first couple of sections of this course in my next article.

Are you learning to code too? Use the comments section to tell me why you want to code and what you’re working on!



Josephine Hardy

Hello! I’m a writer, marketer, genealogist and budding coder! Join me on my #100DaysOfCode journey!