4 Fun Facts about Monteverde

Monteverde is one of the most important cloud forests in Costa Rica and for those who look for adventure. Here are some fun facts you need to know to make you visit even more interesting.

Journey´s Costa Rica
2 min readFeb 3, 2015

1. Why is it called “Cloud Forest”

Located at the highest part of the Tilaran Mountain, some parts of the forest are literally covered in clouds. Making it also a really cold place to visit, so bring your warmest clothing!

You can actually see the trees disappearing into the fog.

2. Hummingbirds paradise

Monteverde is the home of the smallest hummingbirds on the planet. Also you can enjoy a hummingbird garden with over more than a 100 tiny birds flying around you.

Hummingbirds can be as small as your toenail.

3. There’s Quaker influence

Believe it or not, Monteverde’s farming was significantly influenced by Quakers that arrived on horseback in the late 1940's. They decided to stay at Monteverde because of it’s fertile lands and of the large population of cows. Because of this, one man decided to produce cheese, what it’s today the Monteverde Cheese Company.

An actual picture of how the factory looks today

4. Monteverde’s roads are definitely the most challenging in the country.

The road consists mostly of dirt, and no matter if you are coming from San Jose o Arenal ,you will hit curves and steep slopes that you feel you can fall off. Even it’s being compared to other dangerous roads in the world. So be careful and try to arrive safely to your destination.

A heart stopping road.

Trust me, that tricky road is totally worth it! What other things would you like to see at the Monteverde forest?



Journey´s Costa Rica

Tour Operator & Destination Management Consultant specialized in Costa Rica. Creating lifetime experiences since 1999.