KANBANSI can help you Track and Manage your production process

Jovan Soldatovic
3 min readJan 28, 2019


Developed by BAD SISTEMS LLC, after encountering challenges in their track management and production process, KANBANSI is a multi-purpose software for all organizations, so long they follow a process in their activities. The application is suitable for all organizations because it has varying functions that should cut across any organization. Yes, so long it is consisting of humans, and they produce.

The KANBANSI has several ways you can make use of it in your organization, one of which is helping you track and manage your production.

The KANBANSI is a self-regulated guide in the event of tracking and managing the production of goods.


Applying Kanban methodology also known as Kanban model was created for self-organization while producing. This model helps you to get an overview of the complete production phases and tasks in them. The model is focused on gradually improving whatever you do with it, ranging from Manufacturing, Marketing, Staffing, Recruitment, Software development, IT/Ops, Procurement, etc.

The Kanban model introduced by David J. Anderson, used concepts such as queuing theory, pull systems and flow. These concepts are engaged in running the production process while using Kanban model.

Queuing theory: Kanban uses this theory to handle tasks one after the other.

Pull system: Kanban automatically allocates resources to areas where the production resources are exhausted.

Flow model: This Kanban model is getting rid of obstacles to make movements of card easy.

Kanban three-bin system in manufacturing

The Kanban runs a system that sends a signal of resource usage while manufacturing

· First bin: This bin is also known as the factory floor’s bin, it’s the bin that contains the materials used for immediate production.

· Second bin: This bin is also known as the factory store bin, this bin contains materials or resource that immediately replaces the first bin after it is exhausted from been used in production.

· Third bin: This bin is the suppliers’ bin, it replaces the empty second bin which is the factory store, and fills up the empty bin dropped from the second bin.

This process goes on and on and never runs out of production parts, it is called a closed loop because it provides the needed amount needed for production.


Application of Kanban is an easy one; you just have to follow through by;

Visualizing the workflow: This can be done in the form of a Kanban board having simple whiteboard and card, where all card on the board means your tasks you intend carrying out. In this Kanban model board, there exist three columns

1. To do; This column contains tasks that are yet to be started.

2. Doing; This column contains the task in progress.

3. Done; This column contains already finished task

This process exposes you to the entirety of your work, the ones to be done, the ones ongoing and the one that is completed, leaving you with no room for skipping any task. This process can also expose you to bottlenecks if there are any.

Limiting WIP: This process means having the current job done before moving to another. WIP- meaning work in progress should be completed and marked out.

Managing flow: The cards should flow through the system without any blockage or obstacles, after the first and second step, flows should be managed and improved.

Making explicit process policies: Define your rules and regulations on how you work and make them visual making it easy for all workers to understand how to go about the task in the system. This should be done on the top of the board and each column.

Feedback loops implementation: The model encourages and aids you in feedback loops implementation.

Improve collaboratively and evolve experimentally: The Kanban model helps you to key in small changes to aid gradual improvement.

