Pressure on the Neck
Pressure on the neck,
protests in the streets,
people standing up,
people shouting down,
rest cannot be found
when the system pulls the trigger
then asks you to be bigger.
Peace will not abound when cries of pain meet tears of gas,
when civil demands for life meet rubber bullets and batons,
when a jog on the block ends your clock,
when bedtime becomes a date with death,
when the crowd watches your killing
because your darker hue is the cue
to dismiss your humanity.
It is time to kill the indifference that permits racism and brutality alongside monumental statements of freedom and justice for all.
It is time to slay the lies
that my life is lesser
that my skin is tougher
that my heart should suffer
that my mind is broken
that my kind is other
that I’m not your brother.
Learn more here — “We Must Fight Face Surveillance to Protect Black Lives”