Basics of Gaming: Types of Video Games Part 2

4 min readNov 19, 2022


The conversation is still on types of video games as we continue talking about the basics of gaming. In part one we listed basically nine types of video games and then further went to list types of games in general. The conversation here will be focus on explaining to the best of our ability what these types of video games entail with examples of them.

As gamers it is important to understand terminologies as it helps us play and communicate better. At Joystick Labs, we will be rolling out the Freetyl platform soon which will allow gamers play and earn so many different types of games. The earning process would either be from streaming or tokens. Understanding these categories will help you choose the type of games you wish to play and this is why we are here.

We have already listed out the types of games in the part 1 of this conversation, so right now we will just go into details.

1. Strategy games

As the name implies, this type of games have to do with strategy. You plan things out during play to win contests or battles. The gameplay for games in this category is similar to traditional strategy board games. There are so many aspects to strategy gaming and so many sub-categories.

We have real-time strategy which has its origin in the 1980s with Ancient Art of War being one of the first games. Games like the blizzard game and StarCraft are more recent games in this category. The gameplay requires some sort of strategy like building defenses, bases and training men to defend your territory. Most times games like this give you options and show you the strengths/weakness of each. You pick the best and a way you think it will work and then try to use it.

Other sub-categories for strategy gaming would include 4X, artillery, real-time tactics (RTT), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), tower defense, turn-based strategy, turn-based tactics, and wargames.

2. Sports games

This is the easiest category of gaming to sport as it basically has to do with simulation of sports events. It ranges of so many different categories — basketball, football, golf, rugby, baseball, etc. even pub sports like pool and darts have now been included into sports video games. In sport games, you either go against an opposing team (computer-controlled or with a real life opponent).

The graphics here are usually more advanced as they are simulating real life humans and gameplay.

3. Action games

Action games will always test how your hands and eye coordinate themselves when asked to work together. other things this games seems to test would include your spatial reasoning and reaction time. Some sports simulation can also fall under this category and then you have obstacle courses and combat games.

In most action, you are either at the center of the action or you control it. Players must overcome physical challenges here to go past rounds and win prizes. Due to the ease to start playing action games, this remains the most popular video game genre in the industry. Some sub genres here will include platformer, shooter, beat-em up, fighting, stealth, rhythm, survival,

4. Adventure games

There is no way we are having a conversation about types of video games without talking about adventure games. Adventure games can also be called games of exploration. Most times, the player assumes the position of the good guy in a story. the challenges in games like this combine strategy and puzzles. You interact with other characters and the gaming environment to solve these puzzles and use strategy to go pass obstacles.

In terms of subcategories, you have text adventure, graphic adventure, visual novels, interactive movie, real-time 3D, etc.

5. Action-adventure games

This is are games that combine action with strategy. A perfect example of such a game is the legend of Zelda. A game where the character must find his way through 8 dungeons to gather pieces of the triforce of wisdom. Once he collects it all, he can assemble it which takes him to the ninth dungeon where he rescues his princess. Although this is an adventure, he has a boomerang with which he fends off enemies and collects the pieces.

The focus for action-adventure games is on the plot and the combat. It has a tight gameplay mechanics and as a result of all these, many games can be fitted into this category.

It is possible for one game to fit into more than one category. So how our question is how many categories does Candy Crush fit inro? Is the category even here? Well, in part 3 of this, we will talk about the other four categories and answer the question. For now, we suggest you hit the follow button.

