Grants For USA Single Parents

3 min readAug 30, 2022


The number of single parents is rapidly increasing and growing not just in the United States, but also in other countries.

Raising a child or children alone and solely is never an easy and comfortable task. That is why single parenting is a very hard and ardent job and responsibility that only the strong-willed, courageous and responsible people chose or opt to take

If given the chance, according to one social poll, the majority of the population in the United States would not resort to being a single parent. Single parenthood, therefore, is a choice, not a random destiny given to anyone.

Financial assistance for single parents

Financial support is given by the government to any single parent who obviously and direly needs financial support. The law recognizes the hard and very imposing responsibility single parents have, which is why financial aid is given to single parents. In that way, the hardships and pressures experienced by single parents are somehow reduced and alleviated.

Government grants for single parents are accessible to the general public, especially needy single parents.

To process an application if a single parent seeks financial or money support for single parenting, he or she must obtain a form from the local or nearest City Hall. The forms should be honestly and clearly filled out because the information will have to be verified and will form the basis for approving the financial aid application.

For single parents, be advised that while financial aids for single parents are available and open to every single parent in the land, qualifications and eligibilities do exist and are set to protect the funds from abusive and money-greedy people.

Take note that financial aid will not be given to single parents whose salaries and compensation is very huge and more than enough to comfortably and even luxuriously support the child or children.


To qualify for the financial assistance provided by the government to single parents, the single parent, above all must be first and foremost divorced. Another case for eligibility for financial assistance is when the other
significant parent, mom or dad, is already dead or is seriously injured, disabled or handicapped.

Experts and the government assume that during those cases, parent support to the child in terms of the financial aspect is almost too impossible and hopeless. Thus, the government intervene and provides the financial parenting or providing role.

Another case for eligibility for single parenthood financial assistance
is when the other parent has abandoned the child for about or more than
a year already. It is because during the said span of time, or time frame, can it be rightly asserted and assumed that there exists abandonment.

Imprisonment of the other parent can also be grounds or causes for financial support. Or if the child has been born while the parents are not legally tied or married, in other words, the child is born obviously and apparently out of wedlock.

Another desperate case is when the other parent is not identified, which is a case rapidly rising nowadays.

Children and single parents with the following situations, take note, are not eligible for filing or seeking financial assistance or support from the government.

- The child is a rightful heir for any property or pension due to the
single parent or both parents

- The single parent receives or attains additional disability pension
funds either because of his disability or because he has children.

- The child is under the custody of foster parents or he or she is
under the custody of a day-care centre.

- If the child is currently raised and supported by the single parent’s
domestic or current partner. Partners bounded by common-law marriages
are covered by this provision.

- The single parent is also eligible to receive or be granted public
pension benefits.

Financial aid may be provided to single parents. In turn, single parents must first and foremost realize that single parenting not only involves the financial aspect but above all, the caring and emotional support only they can give is far more great, noble and essential than the financial assistance extended to single parents by the government.

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