12 Useful Newsletters For Web Developers

4 min readMar 31, 2017


In this post let us show you some useful newsletters for you to keep up to date about relevant topics related to the web developer’s world. In this list, there are newsletters which post weekly news, articles, links and tools about JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js and many others frontend stuff. Our recommendation is to always stay aware of important areas such as security, accessibility, usability and performance. Take a look at these newsletters and find out which ones suit you better.

1) JavaScript Weekly

This is the most popular newsletter, which posts weekly all new stuff about the JavaScript environment. Today, there are more than 116k of subscribers and it has great resources and news about JavaScript.

Link: http://javascriptweekly.com

2) Node.js Weekly

This newsletter is curated by the same editor of JavaScript Weekly, but it is more focused on the Node.js platform. Well, your JavaScript stack can’t be full without Node.js. So if you want to keep up to date with all the latest Node.js news this will be an awesome newsletter to subscribe too with more than 36k of subscribers today.

Link: http://nodeweekly.com

3) FrontEnd Focus

This weekly’s newsletter publishes useful resources about HTML, CSS tips, WebGL, Canvas, Progressive web apps, WebRTC and others stuffs about browser technologies. If you are a Frontend Engineer, you must subscribe to this newsletter.

Link: http://frontendfocus.co

4) WebTools Weekly

Web Tools Weekly is a frontend development and web design newsletter with a focus on tools. Each issue features a brief tip or tutorial, followed by a weekly round-up of various apps, scripts, plugins, and other resources to help front-end developers solve problems and be more productive.

Link: http://webtoolsweekly.com

5) JSter

JSter is a catalog of libraries and a newsletter. They publish content in a monthly basis about library, articles, guides, techniques, interviews, resources and anything else related to frontend and JavaScript.

Link: http://jster.net

6) React Status

This is a weekly roundup of the latest news, tutorials, and projects in the React and React Native worlds. This newsletter has more than 10k subscribers and it is curated by the same editor of JavaScript Weekly, Frontend Focus and Node.js Weekly.

Link: https://react.statuscode.com

7) Mobile Web Weekly

In this newsletter, more than 11k subscribers receive weekly news, libraries, articles and many others resources about web apps and native apps, but this newsletter focus more on mobile web app technologies.

Link: https://mobilewebweekly.com

8) CSS Weekly

This is a newsletter focused on CSS so, every week, they publish useful articles, tutorials, tools and some interesting experiments created using CSS for more than 27k subscribers.

Link: http://css-weekly.com

9) GameDev.js Weekly

If you like game development, you must subscribe to this newsletter. Weekly, they publish a lot of useful tutorials, tools, and articles related to HTML5, Canvas and WebGL game development.

Link: http://gamedevjsweekly.com

10) JavaScript Kicks

JavaScript Kicks is a curated newsletter about JavaScript. Every week they publish the most voted content from their own forum.

Link: https://javascriptkicks.com

11) Pony Foo Weekly

This newsletter focus on advanced topics related to web development. Here, you will receive useful links and trending topics about the news of JavaScript and ECMAScript.

Link: https://ponyfoo.com/weekly

12) Changelog Weekly

This is a great newsletter! Weekly, they post about anything related to the open-source world and software development. Sometimes they also present useful links about JavaScript.

Link: https://changelog.com/weekly


Nowadays, one of the most useful ways to keep up to date about JavaScript is by subscribing some newsletters, and the amazing thing is that we can always learn some news from these resources. If you wanna find more, just take a look at DevNewsletter’s page. There are newsletters about subjects related to other programming languages, databases, and frameworks.

Originally published on blog.jscrambler.com on March 16, 2017.




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