A better way to learn and achieve your goals

3 min readJan 12, 2018


I will tell you a short story and surely you will feel identified with it at any moment. If you feel anxious, you can go directly to the bone here, but I strongly recommend to first learn :), you will anyway enjoy the lecture.

(Follow me on Twitter for tips and ideas on Laravel and Web Development)

“Albert decided he wanted to learn a new technology (let’s say build a JSON API with Laravel :D) which will allow him to improve his skills and be much more productive in his business, you know, centralize his projects data, and increase his projects and clients scalability.

What Albert did was search on the Internet about that new technology and found all sort of contents from several renowned authors: videos, tutorials, books, articles, video courses and similar.

At the end, Albert spent his money and time acquiring and reading several books, along with purchasing and watching other video courses.

After few weeks, Albert feels comfortable with all the new skills learned and immediately started a new project to put everything into practice and… The worst happened! Albert did not even know where to start, the only thing he could do was remember everything the renowned authors did on all their books and videos courses but did not know how to apply it for its own project.

After much trying, Albert finished reading the official documentation of that technology and reading specific questions and replies online to find his own way to implement the new project.”

It seems like Albert spent his money and time trying to learn by others' experiences, to then realize that, in the end, he is who must put hands in work to learn and understand everything on his own.

Probably, you felt like Albert so many times, did you?

I mean, you think you get the point and understand everything, and then realized you just understand how others do their stuff but you need to start a whole new process to learn and to apply all of that to your situations and requirements.

The strength is in you

That has been true for a long time. The best way to learn about programming is… PROGRAMMING so does not matter how many times you see that video or read that book; to learn and apply what you learned you have to do it on your own.

Clearly, the problem is not you trying to learn from others' experiences, the problem is that others are trying to teach you based on their decisions and requirements. They did and decided everything for you instead of giving the path to follow, but let you decide what and how to do it.

Following that way, they (the teachers and instructors) should provide you a subtle guide, which puts you in the correct path but letting you decide how to walk through it, and especially, letting you decide how to customize it according to your goals.

Best wishes and happy learning!

PS: Follow me on Twitter to stay tuned with tips and ideas 😊




Online instructor (English and Spanish). Web development lover. #Laravel lover and @ProgramarYA owner.