Q&A with Juan Dominguez: Exploring a Run for Senate to Represent the People of Maryland

7 min readJul 20, 2023


A photo of Juan Dominguez with his wife, Cheyenne Dominguez, in Baltimore, Maryland.

What inspired you to consider running for the United States Senate seat in Maryland? What issues are you most passionate about addressing?

I’ve always had a passion for our government, for our democracy and freedoms. Lately it’s all come under pressure. Pressure from extremists on both sides of the aisle and a lack of focus on the right priorities.

Freedom assumes that you have a level playing field for all to prosper. But as I’ve gotten a little older and a little more experienced, my eyes are wide open that the ability to truly live the American dream is limited, in many cases just by where you grew up! In too many cases, the ability to be “successful” in our country is based on the zip code you grew up in. From your ability to earn a living wage, access to education, nutrition, and the justice system. If you grow up in the wrong neighborhood you are at a massive disadvantage.

Is that what our founding fathers imagined as they fought to escape the tyranny of the crown?

We have a plan to address the economic inequalities of the last 250 years. It’s exciting and I feel that it will appeal to many people, including the middle class and those living in poverty. It will help lift all boats as the investment drives further economic growth for everyone. We will leave no person behind in Maryland.

You have an impressive background in business and management. How do you think your experience has prepared you for serving as a Senator?

My biggest differentiator is that unlike most of my competitors, I have not spent my entire working career in government, but rather in the private sector, as well as time in the military.

Most importantly, I’ve fought in foxholes with people of all races and backgrounds. Leading a platoon in combat is one of my proudest accomplishments. It taught me a valuable life lesson: it does not matter one iota where you come from, what you look like, how much money you have — in order to succeed in combat, in business, and in life we have to put all of those differences aside — and we must work together.

We are all brothers and sisters — our common humanity matters most. When we put this idea front and center, I believe we can accomplish anything.

My work in the private sector has allowed me to lead great teams. I’ve seen how public companies have stopped focusing on their most important asset: their people.

For example, I believe we can turn service jobs into great middle class jobs. This will be a cornerstone of our campaign.

What would you say are the most pressing issues facing Maryland residents that you hope to address as their Senator?

Social justice, income equality, education, and public safety are priorities. We are going to take action and focus on results.

Those who have held office talk a good game during their campaigns. But the truth of the matter is nothing has really changed or gotten better. In fact, with inflation, the plight of the middle class, the working class, and the poor — has gotten worse!

We are going to create a peaceful social movement that demands more from Wall Street and publicly traded companies focused solely on profits and shareholder returns over their people. It’s no longer ok to make fortunes by doing so on the backs of the people who meanwhile cannot adequately feed their families.

We will ask nicely, then we will demand, then we will march and protest and if needed, we’ll unionize at every publicly traded company in America until a fair living wage is reached for all.

What experiences from your upbringing or personal life influenced your interest in public service?

My parents, like many of your parents or grandparents, immigrated to this country in search of a better life. My dad, Juan Sr., worked hard all of his life to give his children every opportunity possible after fleeing Castro’s Cuba.

My mom, Dinorah, dedicated her life to being there for her children, getting them ready for school, and being there when we got home. They sacrificed a lot of their hopes and dreams for us. I don’t think my dad ever missed a day of work in his life. They both passed on that work ethic to me and my brother.

How will your background help you effectively represent the state of Maryland in the Senate?

My combination of military and business leadership experience, as well as being a minority, will qualify me to be your next United States Senator. I’ve seen firsthand the atrocities of war and will work hard to make sure we maintain a strong defense, while not sacrificing our servicepersons’ lives in anything other than a direct attack on the United States and its allies.

I believe that the President has a duty to come to Congress before engaging in acts of war under the guise of protecting our national interests. I will fight to commit our service people only under these limited circumstances.

From a business standpoint, I know how out of balance worker to CEO pay is and we need to demand action to bring this back into proper balance. For example, in the military, the pay differential between a private and a General is 10 to 1. Why should a CEO make 400 times what a front line worker makes?

What would you say makes you different from other candidates running for the Maryland Senate seat? What unique perspective or abilities would you bring to the role?

As a first-generation American I understand the hardships immigrants and people of color face. As a veteran I know the gravity of putting service-people in harm’s way. As an outsider to the political establishments I’m not beholden to any special interests, only to the people of Maryland. And not being a billionaire allows me to relate to 99.9% of Americans.

I’ll bring our campaign to the people — making my way through the entire state — not sit in an air conditioned room deciding on the next TV ad. My competitors have been in office yet accomplished little, and in some cases are trying to buy votes, and have overseen our rising crime. Voters are smarter than rewarding them with more power.

For example, there is a businessman, who is also a Congressman, now running for Senate. As an extremely wealthy individual he is literally bankrolling his political campaign with his personal wealth. This is like trying to buy every Marylander’s vote $40 at a time. I think voters are right to question the ulterior motives of someone who has spent millions of dollars to win public office. This is an example of why we need campaign finance reform.

Also in this race are two lifelong career politicians who have been in office during some of the highest crime rates in Maryland, if not in the country, running for an even higher office? I have a hard time wrapping my head around why we’d reward any of these three with even more responsibility. The voters of Maryland are smarter than that. I am confident voters will quickly realize that we are different.

What accomplishments from your career so far are you most proud of that demonstrate your qualifications to be a Senator?

I feel that my ability to connect to just about anyone is my greatest strength. Whether it’s in the boardroom, at my children’s school, at a ball game, or a tavern — as I meet people where they are — I try to listen and understand and then move from there.

What are your top legislative priorities if elected to the Senate?

My top legislative priorities are as follows:

  1. Economic prosperity for all, beginning with people living in poverty and the working class. We will combine the principles of compassionate capitalism and “JuanDo” economics to craft a retooled economic agenda that will lift every worker up, and in the process will have more healthy consumers who can afford healthier foods, the ability to pay their rent or own a home without living paycheck to paycheck. This is priority number one.
  2. Universal Healthcare for all. We are one of the few developed countries in the world that does not offer this to every citizen. Why? Because everyone is afraid to go up against the basically for profit healthcare companies. Both doctors and patients agree that the system is broken — get these players out of the way and we’ll have plenty of money to take care of everyone.

How do you plan to connect with and understand the diverse needs of all Maryland residents if elected as their Senator?

Well, I’m the only candidate embarking on a true grassroots campaign. Soon, I plan to jump into my RV and traverse the state, on a listening and learning tour, meeting residents where they live. I invite every Marylander to be a part of the conversation and the solution. I won’t be sitting around deciding on the next TV ad.

How can people follow you to learn more about your policy positions and exploration of a run for the US Senate?

I am excited to announce that our team has launched our social media sites to share campaign news, behind-the-scenes activities, stories, events, and more through videos, photos and live streams. People can like, follow, share @JuanForMaryland on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also follow along for more by subscribing to my Medium and Substack.

As we build momentum and seek more support, I ask you to keep this question at the forefront of your thoughts. Why should career politicians and millionaires and billionaires be the only ones who can run for Congress and the U.S. Senate? We all deserve better.

I have no reason to be in this race other than to try to make people’s lives better. I’m not looking for a lifelong political career. And I’m not beholden to anyone’s political agenda. This makes our campaign different from every other and people are already excited about it. I’m excited to tell our story and connect with more supporters on our new social sites and on our listening/learning tour throughout the state!




West Point grad, Gulf War combat veteran, business leader, husband, father, and coach. Running for Congress in Maryland's 3rd Congressional District.