Nazmul Haider Jubair
1 min readSep 16, 2022

Packaging, whether it is a food packaging, cosmetics packaging, electronics packaging or packaging of a piece of clothing, it has a purpose why it is there.

Take a moment to memorize the last item you bought. Was it something to eat, to drink, to apply or to wear?

Now that you have the item in your mind, could you tell what impression its packaging brings to you? What image comes first to your mind? Do you think about its safety, design or looks? Or maybe its temporary role as a protector of its contents?

What is similar with different everyday products is that inevitably they come in some sort of packaging. Packaging has many different roles. These include providing protection, safety, enhanced usability, attractive looks, optimal design and specific customer requirements, to name a few. However, what is often perceived with packaging, is single-use purpose. Packaging is there to fulfill its mission – one time only. Either it is pulled off in order to start using the product it holds inside, or it is thrown away as soon as the packaging content runs out. The result is the same. It is there just temporarily.