Read This If You Struggle With Finishing Things You Start

The realization that changed my life. It could change yours too.

Jude King, PhD
7 min readApr 15, 2019
Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash

I’ll get straight to the point on this confession.

I never used to be able to finish anything.

Needless to recount each specific instances in their gory details. It’s a short — sad — story:

Always start enthused, always abandon unfinished.

I looked back and noticed this wasn’t a one-off. It was a long-running series capable of rivaling any of Netflix’s finest.

Its frustrating. It felt like the world must be conspiring against me.

I get started on a project, reality sets in, things becomes challenging, I get distracted, flip into imagination mode, and pronto! I’m enticed by another idea. I switch to the new idea, enthusiasm builds, moving along nicely, interest wane, I get distracted, flip again into imagination mode and…you guessed it!…get another idea. And the cycle continues.

Do you really know the frustration of a life that cannot get anything finished? Not exactly idle, but, not having much by way of results for efforts after many years other than a slew of unfinished projects, just because of the inability to get anything finished?



Jude King, PhD

Research Scientist | Entrepreneur | Teacher | Engineer driven by a deep curiosity about everything.