A Novice’s Overview of Forging One’s Personal Japanese Nodachi Sword

Samurai Swords News
3 min readMar 12, 2018


Nodachi have the same general look and design of a tachi though they are longer. The Odachi was carried by foot soldiers and has been designed like a weapon for warfare versus cavalry and open field obligations. Nodachi were generally utilized on open battlefields as their length made their use indoors or close-quarters difficult. They certainly were an effective weapon against cavalry, though they were not commonly employed. Nodachi were rarely used for several reasons:

The blade was more Challenging to forge compared to some normal-sized sword

The nodachi demanded greater strength to properly wield

During times of peace the sword was worn slung throughout the back as a sign of status. That really is identifying as many Japanese swords such as the katana, wakizashi, and tachi were worn at the belt or waist; however it had not been “drawn” from the trunk. The Nodachi was more challenging to wield owing to its abnormal size and burden, but like some other weapon, might possibly be extremely deadly if the warrior breathed it had been skilled. The magnitude of the blade left the nodachi a grisly weapon when wielded with a skilled warrior. Its cutting capability and scope exceeded that of a katana, as a result of its weight and size. Legend claims that the nodachi could cleave a warrior and his horse two with one blow.

The point of Nodachi

The intent of Nodachi could be categorized as follows:

A) As an offering into some Shrine or Gods. Some Nodachi were committed with ivory to gain a war, others were put in Shrines as legendary swords.

b) As a weapon.

From explanations in old texts, such as “Heike-monogatari, Taihei-ki” let’s Odachi were used by soldiers during conflicts.

C) As a sign for an army.

A few Odachi are too long for practical usage. They cannot be utilised in a battle however it’s stated they could have already been used as a symbol of a military, like flags and spears. Further research is necessary to verify this notion.

D) As a trend throughout a certain period. Some swords have been used for ceremonies.

E) To demonstrate the swordsmith’s skill.

The production of Nodachi

Nodachi are very tricky to create.

A) A lot of steel is required to create a Nodachi and it takes longer to make than a standard sword. Nevertheless to earn a good Nodachi it is very important to hammer the steel fast.

B) A Nodachi is created with teamwork. Perfect teamwork is required to earn a good person.

C) More power is required in quenching and tempering a Nodachi than a sword.

D) Special facilities are demanded. As an instance the quenching tank has to be bigger than that employed for ordinary swords.

E) The procedure of polishing is different. Odachi need to be hung from the ceiling or placed in a stationary position to be polished, unlike ordinary swords that are transferred over the polishing rocks.

How to use Nodachi

Nodachi which were used as firearms were overly much time for Samurai to carry on their waists like normal swords. There were two ways where Odachi could be carried. 1 technique was to carry it on your back. This was impractical however, since it was hopeless for the Samurai carrying the sword to draw it quickly. The other method was to carry the Nodachi through the hand. The trend throughout the Muromachi era was to the Samurai carrying the Nodachi to own a follower to help him draw on it.

Nodachi sword play styles centered on downward chops and different wields to that of blades.

