Why I Joined Forbes Coaches Council

Judy Nelson
3 min readJun 8, 2017


Judy Nelson originally published this article on her LinkedIn Pulse.

At the beginning of 2017, I became a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches. To be honest, I was honored to be invited and excited to join the group.

Why was I invited? My education (JD, MSW), 30 years’ experience as a CEO and my ten years as a professional coach did not hurt, but the clincher was “My exceptional LinkedIn profile!”

My LinkedIn profile was no happy accident. I spent a lot of time and effort making it exceptional, primarily with posting articles. My first post on LinkedIn was in 2014. It received 70 views, six likes, four comments. A year ago, I hit a collective nerve with Why You Get Irritated Easily. It has 37,158 views; 2,205 likes; 537 shares and 148 comments. In all, I have over 100 posts published there. Thousands of words later, was it worth it? Absolutely. Writing, editing and posting takes effort but I stuck with it and I am glad I did.

I also reviewed all the leadership-related writing I have done over the years for ideas (well over 100,000 words) and decided that there might be a book in there somewhere. The outcome? My new book, Intentional Leadership, published by Motivational Press, January 2017.

Forbes partnered with the founders of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) to launch Forbes Councils, invitation-only communities for world-class business professionals in a variety of industries. Members, who are hand-selected by each Council’s community team, receive personalized introductions to each other based on their specific needs and gain access to a wide range of business benefits and services, including best-in-class concierge teams, personalized connections, peer-to-peer learning, a business services marketplace, and the opportunity to share thought leadership content on Forbes.com.

The mission of the Forbes Council is to curate successful professionals from every industry, creating a vetted, social capital-driven network that helps every member make an even greater impact on the business world. However, for me, it’s an opportunity to keep learning. I don’t have all the answers, even after more than 30 years as a CEO. I look forward to the camaraderie and exchange of expertise with my esteemed colleagues.

The Forbes Coaches Council is new for me. I discover new things every day. It is important to keep learning new skills always. It keeps life from getting boring if nothing else.

Is it time for you to join something new, too?

@CoachJudyNelson was a CEO for 30 years and has golfed with presidents, been heckled by famous comedians, and researched insurance policies for riding elephants on behalf of Zsa Zsa Gábor. And those were the ordinary days. A Certified Professional Coach since 2006, she uses the Workplace Big 5 Profile 4.0 to assist leaders and career seekers to develop and reach stretch goals. She is an avid traveler, a wannabe artist, a sort of cartoonist, and a lover of absurdity and new ideas.

Judy’s new book, Intentional Leadership (Motivational Press, 2017) is available now. Connect with her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.



Judy Nelson

Judy Nelson is an international coach, consultant and motivational speaker based in Southern CA. http://judynelson.net