Hurdles and Handguns

Julia Weiss
2 min readSep 4, 2014

What’s your motivation?

Creative Writing Non-Fiction Class

Prompt #3: Springboard (find a quote and go from there)

“And I wondered if hurdlers ever thought, you know, ‘This would go faster if we just got rid of the hurdles.” The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Finding a career is so difficult. As a highschool student you have to ask permission to use the restroom, then before you even get back to your seat they’re asking you what you want to do with the rest of your life. You may pick one thing but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. Trial and error is sometimes the only way to find the right path. So many things get in the way, but how do you know which things are just discouragements and which are keeping you from going the wrong direction?

Hurdles build character. Hopefully you know that. They enhance your experiences and give them depth.

If we sail through life one meter at a time, we’ll learned nothing — we need the ups and downs. Sure a few hurdles get knocked down along the way, we are bound to fail time and again; we’re only human. But what says more is when we get back up and move full steam ahead to the next one to do better. We can only improve when we learn from our mistakes by recognizing failure and using it to model success.

If you walk around the hurdles and try to cheat the system, then you’re never going to learn. So like if someone holds a gun to your head and says, “Jump over these hurdles!” then you’ve had no practice or preparation! I’m getting off topic and obviously that’s a twisted metaphor for, like, you’re married and are about to have a baby and you’re broke because you just bought the pony and dude ranch you’ve always wanted but never learned how to budget your money. But hopefully you’re picking what I’m laying down.

You’ve been trying to take advantage of life when it’s turned around at started taking advantage of you.

Embrace the hurdles and don’t give up. Learn to jump at the right time and get your act together. Besides whatever personal or spiritual motivations you have, life is just practice for harder life. And then we die but that’s a whole different topic.

