Your Reiki Practitioner Isn’t Healing You

Julia Wooster
3 min readFeb 4, 2016


I know that’s a shocking statement but before the Reiki folks out there form a lynch mob — please read on :)

I’m a Reiki Master. What does being a Reiki Master mean? Simply, it means that a Reiki Master has the ability to teach others how to do Reiki.

One of the things I stress to students is that they are not healers. To me, a practitioner saying that they area “healer” tells me that they have their ego involved in their practice. To quote the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ego is an acronym which stands for “Edging God Out”.

I’ve had clients tell me that I’m a “healer”. I try to tell them that I’m just the delivery lady — but I can’t control what they say, but I can guarantee you that no one will ever hear me say that I’m a healer.

I tell my clients and my students that I’m simply the courier, the method of delivery. Once the FedEx driver hands the package to the receiver, what they do with that package is beyond the driver’s control.

Reiki, a Japanese word, is generally translated to “Universal Life Force Energy”. Another way to describe or define it is “Reiki is a stress relief and relaxation technique that enhances the body’s innate healing abilities”.

This energy is received and channeled through the practitioner to the client. This energy travels where needed within the recipient and helps release any energy that is trapped in a negative way.

How can the Practitioner do this?

When a Practitioner learns how to do Reiki, the Master attunes him or her to be able to receive and channel this energy.

One really great way to illustrate the entire process is to imagine a tap on the wall or sink. Visualize the tap turning on — that’s the attunement. The spout the water flows through — that’s the practitioner. The water flows through the tap — that’s the energy.

How does the energy help to heal?

Because Reiki is a stress relief and relaxation technique, it helps relax and calm the receiver which helps the receiver to heal on all levels, mind, body and spirit. The American Institute of Stress has estimated that over 70% of visits to doctors’ offices are the result of the body’s reaction to stress. Relieve the stress and the body can help itself heal.

When the body is relaxed and relieved of stress the body’s natural healing abilities can start doing their job.

Our bodies do a lot of growth and repair overnight — this is one reason why I often suggest that Reiki Practitioners do a bit of Reiki before bed at night. It’s especially useful if someone is having a hard time sleeping — a few minutes of Reiki with either the hands placed on the temples or over the heart and very soon it’s “nitey nite”.

So can Reiki replace medical care?

No, not at all. Reiki is considered to be a complementary modality. It works in conjunction with, not against traditional medical care. That being said, I suggest that clients who are receiving regular Reiki sessions (either by me or by themselves if they know how to do Reiki) let their doctor know if they are under medical care. For example, if someone is on medication for high blood pressure, they may want to monitor their blood pressure — who knows, maybe their doctor may want to adjust their medication dosage.

So, let’s give credit where credit is due

Being able to channel Reiki is a wonderful gift and one that should be respected. It is something that anyone can learn how to do. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to be special to do Reiki. That awesome universal life force energy is there for anyone to access and it’s unlimited!

Reiki works for the highest and greatest good and does no harm, so consider having a session today or better still find a Master near you and learn how to do Reiki. You can help your family, friends and pets enjoy a more relaxed life.

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